Leader Guide

Object Lesson

  • Cloth, towel or tablecloth
  • Table
  • Weapons Pattern; or use a real ram’s horn, jar, and unlit torch
  • Scissors
  • Three pieces of cardstock
  • Whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Marker or chalk

Make one copy of the Weapons Pattern on cardstock, in color if possible, then cut out the three images. Or, gather the real items to use instead.  

Place the images or items on the table and cover them with the cloth.

As you present the lesson, write the enemy’s number on the top left side of the board. Write Israel’s numbers as you discuss them on the top right side. Do the subtraction underneath so children can see easily. See illustration of completed presentation.

Let’s read how the Bible describes the enemies that Gideon faced. Read Judges 7:12:

The armies of Midian, Amalek, and the people of the east had settled in the valley like a swarm of locusts. Their camels were like grains of sand on the seashore—too many to count! 

What a frightening sight for Gideon to see as he looked at their camp. We saw that in the video!      

When Gideon first gathered his army, the Israelites totaled 32,000 men. That might seem like a lot of soldiers—until you read in the Bible that the enemy army had 135,000 soldiers! See Judges 8:10. 

That means Gideon’s army was outnumbered more than four soldiers to one! For every Israelite soldier, there were four enemy soldiers. Could you possibly fight four people at the same time—and win?

It would be extremely hard!

Then what happened?

God told Gideon that Israel’s army was too large! What did Gideon do?

Gideon obeyed God and told the soldiers that anyone who was afraid should go home. 22,000 men chose to do just that! Now Gideon had only 10,000 soldiers, while the enemy still had 135,000. That meant for every one Israelite soldier, there were 13 enemies. Could you beat 13 people at the same time?

Yet God wasn’t done—there were still too many Israelites in the army! Gideon gave the men a test by God’s instruction and sent 9700 more soldiers home! He had just 300 men remaining! Think of that—300 Israelites versus 135,000 enemies—plus all their camels to ride! Can you guess what the odds were now?

Good guesses; there were now 450 enemy soldiers for every one soldier in Israel’s army! Could you possibly fight 450 people at the same time—and win?

It would take a miracle, wouldn’t it!

So why do you think God told Gideon to make the army so small?

The answer is in our SuperTruth. Let’s shout it together: “God gives me the victory!”

God reduced Gideon’s army to these impossible odds because He wanted the Israelites to know that they would not win because of their own size, strength or ability! They would win because God was helping them! 

Imagine if you were Gideon’s soldiers looking at the huge camp of the enemy. You would probably be wondering what was going on! Maybe they thought that Gideon would give them some super powerful weapons to take into battle! Let’s take a look at the weapons now! Uncover the table in a dramatic fashion and hold up the items.

He gave each soldier a ram’s horn, a torch, and a jar. Imagine their reaction when Gideon revealed their weapons for battle! If you researched weapons on the internet or in a book, would you expect these to appear in your search? No!

In the video, Gizmo even called them decorations! The key for Gideon’s army and for us is what the Lord told Gideon under the tree. 

Read Judges 6:16:

The Lord said to him, “I will be with you. And you will destroy the Midianites as if you were fighting against one man.”

In God’s eyes, Gideon wasn’t outnumbered 135,000 to 300 soldiers. Gideon outnumbered the enemy 300–1! With God, we are always in the majority! You see, it isn’t what we take with us into battle; it’s WHO we take with us! It isn’t our strength, it is His strength. It isn’t about our ability but His supernatural ability! It isn’t about us in any way—it is all about trusting Him! There is nothing that can stand against our God! God alone gives us the victory!