Leader Guide

Balloon Game

  • One Round Balloon, plus extras Permanent marker

Blow up balloons and tie closed. Use the marker to draw a smiling face on the balloon.

We are going to work as a team to overcome the obstacles. Obstacles may be caused by people, too! People can cause doubt or fear in our lives, and we must have faith in God’s Word and trust what He says about us and what we are to do!  

Choose eight children to form pairs to be “human obstacles.” Place the pairs in a course similar to the one shown, a course of your own design, or simply one obstacle after another in a straight line. The four pairs of children will stand and face each other and each hold an arm out, fist to fist, to form an “H.” Divide the rest of the class into pairs of children. The pairs will each take a turn to tap or volley the balloon back and forth as they approach each obstacle. One player will then quickly move to the other side of the obstacle so the partner can bat the balloon over the obstacle to overcome it. Players cannot tap the balloon twice in a row; players must alternate as they tap the balloon while moving through the course. Players may tap or bounce the balloon over the obstacles with any part of their body. The balloon cannot be caught, trapped or carried. The balloon is allowed to touch the ground only once during a pair’s turn. If the balloon touches the ground a second time, the team must go to the end of the line and wait to take a turn again.

Demonstrate how to do the game by moving through the course with a child volunteer—a fifth or sixth grader, if possible. Start the game. As a pair completes the course, have them replace a pair that is acting as a “human obstacle” to allow everyone to play the game.  


  • Play the game as a challenge to complete the course, or use a timer to see which pair finishes in the fastest time.
  • Lessen the number of obstacles if you choose to use time limitations.
  • To make the game easier, allow players to touch the balloon twice in a row.

That looked like a fun challenge for you. Let’s say the SuperTruth again! “With Christ I can overcome all obstacles.”