Leader Guide

Object Lesson

  • Table
  • Two chairs
  • Two volunteers, Grades 5–6 if possible

Place the chairs toward one end and at opposite sides of the table.

Have the children sit where they can see both volunteers.

Inform the two volunteers that they will do a short demonstration of arm wrestling as you speak. They will need to follow your directions as you guide them.

Let’s look at another way to illustrate overcoming something. Overcoming is overpowering something. You may have heard of the expression, “getting the upper hand.” When you have the upper hand, you have gained control and you have power over a situation. Let’s see what this looks like!

Have the two volunteers sit in the chairs and assume the starting position for an arm wrestling match. They act out your presentation as you talk. Direct them as necessary and call out their individual names as you teach so they will know who is doing what at the time.

How many of you have arm wrestled someone?

How did you do?

Name and Name have volunteered to help us today. They are going to participate in an arm wrestling match.

Have the two children do a mock match, struggle a bit, but then have one person take control and overpower the other person.

Who won our match?

Yes, Name got the upper hand and overcame opponent Name’s strength.

This wrestling match can help us understand the obstacles and struggles we face—and with Christ’s help, we can overcome and defeat every single one! Can you name some struggles or obstacles that we may face in our lives? A bad habit, not getting along with someone, selfishness, etc.

Now have volunteers mirror your presentation with accompanying motions. Direct them as necessary. Call out the individual names as you talk so they will know who is doing what at the time.

Similar to the wrestling match, we will face many obstacles that we will struggle to defeat. The battle may go back and forth. Have volunteers go back and forth in their arm wrestling match. It isn’t always going to be easy; however we must not give up! Have one volunteer look exhausted, but not give up. If we trust in Christ, we will become stronger as we defeat every obstacle!

Read James 1:3:

For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow.

When we hold onto Christ by faith, we will gain the upper hand and experience the victory as Joshua did when the walls came crashing down. By Christ’s strength, we will overcome any obstacle! 

Have the volunteer who lost the first match win this time.

Who remembers our SuperTruth? “With Christ I can overcome all obstacles.”

Good! Now let’s shout it as we do an arm wrestling move. As you do the motion, imagine an obstacle you are facing, then see yourself overcoming it by faith in Christ!

Lead the children in saying the SuperTruth as they act out the arm wrestling move.