Leader Guide


  • Large cardboard box
  • Table
  • Optional: painters or masking tape  
  • Marker
  • Knife, for the teacher to use before class
  • Four empty paper towel tubes or 4 pieces of 8-1/2" x 11" cardstock to make “spears”  
  • Whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Chalk or markers and eraser
  • Timer: clock/watch with second hand, stopwatch, timer app

Using the knife, carefully cut a large “window,” about 18"x18", in the front of the box. You may adjust the size for your age group.

Optional: draw and color bricks on the box to look like a wall.

Carefully poke a small hole in the bottom of the box with the knife, just large enough to push the yarn through. This hole will be used for the Teaching section.

Place the box on the table, with the window facing the children.

Place three marks or tape lines at distances of 5, 8 and 10 feet from the table.

To make four spears, fill paper towel tubes with wads of paper, then tape both ends closed; or fold the pieces of cardstock lengthwise several times, place small coins or pebbles between the folds to add weight, then tape all edges closed.   

Write “1” on two spears and “2” on two spears.

Note: You will also use the cardboard box with window for the Teaching section. 

Since this is our last lesson about Rahab and Joshua, we are going to have a fun review game and play like we are soldiers at the same time! Do you remember in our video what two things the soldiers carried as they marched around the walls of Jericho? Spears, shields.

Yes, for our game, these will be your spears! Hold up the paper towel rolls.

Perhaps when Joshua’s soldiers saw the walls of Jericho, they thought they might have to throw their spears through the windows because the walls were so high! They didn’t know that God had very different plans! But let’s pretend that the soldiers held target practice to prepare for the battle. As we do our review, we’ll go over what really happened in the Bible story.  

Divide the children into two equal teams. One player may play twice if necessary. Children may choose to throw two spears from any of the three lines. Points are scored as follows:

  • 5 foot line = 1 point.
  • 8 foot line = 2 points.
  • 10 foot line = 3 points. 
  • Correct answer = 5 points.

For each round, a player from each team will throw two spears toward the window. Points are then given to each player who successfully throws 1 or 2 spears into the window. Give players the two spears with their team number on them. Ask the same question to both players. The player who raises a hand first gets a chance to answer within three seconds. If that player cannot answer, the other player gets a chance to answer within three seconds. Add the points for a correct answer to the spear point totals. Play another round with two new players. Have the two players in the first round become assistants. One will retrieve spears and the other will record the points on the board. The team that has the most points after all players have taken a turn wins.

Note: If both players in a round cannot answer the question correctly, ask the question to both teams but no points will be scored. Choose easier questions for younger children, those with disabilities, and visitors. Give hints to help as necessary. 

Questions and Answers:


1. What leader of the Israelites did Joshua replace? Moses.

2. How did Joshua gather important information about the city of Jericho? He sent two spies.

3. Who hid the two spies and saved them from being caught? Rahab.

4. Where did Rahab hide the spies? On her roof, hidden in the stalks of flax.

5. What did the spies promise Rahab if she hung the scarlet rope outside her window and didn’t leave her house? That she and her family would be saved.

6. How did the spies escape from Jericho? Rahab gave them a rope to climb down the wall from her window.

7. What does the scarlet rope or thread represent or point to? The blood of Jesus who saves us.

8. What did the Israelites have to cross before they could reach Jericho? The Jordan River.

9. How were the Israelites able to cross the Jordan River? God held the waters back so they could cross on dry ground.

10. Who appeared to Joshua before the Israelites marched around Jericho? The Commander of the Lord’s army, Jesus Christ.

11. What were the Israelites instructed by God to do for 7 days? March around the city of Jericho.

12. What could the Israelites NOT do as they marched around the walls of Jericho? Talk.

13. Joshua’s men carried a wood chest covered in gold as they marched around Jericho. What was this chest called? The Ark of the Covenant.

14. What was one of the items that the Ark of the Covenant contained? Hint—we learned about this in the Bible Background Video in lesson 2. The Ten Commandment tablets.

15. How were the instructions different for the seventh day of the march? They marched around the city seven times instead of just one time as done on the previous 6 days.

16. On the seventh day, what did the Israelites do after marching around the walls seven times? Shouted.

17. Who besides Rahab was saved inside Jericho when the Israelites attacked? Rahab’s family.

18. Who makes it possible for us to be adopted into God’s family? Hint—God’s Son. Jesus Christ.

19. What is another name for Father that we can call God? Hint—It’s in our SuperVerse. Abba.

20. Who does God send to live inside us when we are adopted as His children? His Spirit.

The following bonus questions are from the Condensed Bible Video shown in Large Group. These can be used as tie breakers or possibly to give a team a chance to catch up. 

1. What was the Commander of the Lord’s army holding in His hand when He spoke to Joshua? A sword.

2. Joshua’s army marched silently and the men carried the ark. What did the priests carry as they marched around Jericho? Ram’s horns.

Good work! Let’s talk more about our Signposts video that we watched today and look a little deeper into how this story points to the life and mission of Jesus.