Leader Guide

Cord Game

  • Red yarn, 6" per child plus extras
  • Masking tape
  • Butcher paper, about 6 feet long, or two poster boards  
  • Brown, black and red markers
  • Scissors
  • Two blindfolds
  • Two to four assistants, such as sixth grade helpers   

Cut the butcher paper into two 3 foot sections.

On each of the two sheets of butcher paper or poster boards, create a Jericho wall with three windows, about 8" x 10" and color as shown on the diagram. The windows should be close to the diagram; however the number of bricks, arrangement, and point totals can be altered as you choose.

Tape the Jericho walls next to each other, with about 3 feet between them on a wall in the room so the shortest child can easily reach the top.

Cut the yarn into 6" lengths.

We are going to play a game similar to pin the tail on the donkey, but it’s called “Hang the Cord in Rahab’s Window.” You will get the most points for hanging the cord in Rahab’s window; and, as you can see, you receive fewer points for hanging your cord in other windows—and you can even lose points if you hang it on some bricks!

Divide the children into two equal teams—one child may play twice, if necessary. Each team will make a line and stand directly in front of one Jericho wall, approximately 12 feet away. This is not a race, but teams will play simultaneously. Hand each player a piece of yarn with a piece of tape. Stand with one team, helping them put on their blindfolds, while an assistant helps the other team. Players will walk carefully toward the wall, with their hands out in front of them so they do not run into it, and try to tape their yarn inside Rahab’s window. Players may take their blindfolds off after they have taped their yarn to the wall to see where they placed it. Have one or two assistants, such as sixth grade helpers, stand near the walls to assist children as necessary in taping their yarn to the wall and re-taping any pieces that may fall off. The players will then return to the line and give their blindfold to the next player on their team.

Afterward, count up the points for both teams. The team with the most points wins. Play another round if time permits.

Great job everyone; that looked like a lot of fun! The scarlet cord was a Signpost to the blood of Jesus that saves us and allows us to be adopted as God’s children into His family!