Leader Guide

Coloring Activity

  • Spy Report Page
  • Crayons, colored pencils, or washable markers—red, yellow, blue, brown, orange, green, purple
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Make copies of the Spy Report Page, one per child plus extras.

Scout the Land: Color a page to find items in the Promised Land.

Give each child a copy of the Spy Report Page. Also give the children crayons, washable markers, or colored pencils. Children may share colors, if necessary. Have children put their names on the back of the page.

Today, you each worked on a spy mission with a partner to explore the room for objects. You have proved yourself worthy of another mission; however, this time, you will work alone. There are hidden objects in the Promised Land. To fulfill your mission, you must color the picture using the key at the bottom of the page to reveal hidden items. I wish all of you success—and remember, watch out for giants in the land!  

Lead a discussion using the questions and answers below as the children complete the activity. 

Have you ever gone exploring in a park or in the woods; if so, what interesting things did you find? Children answer.

How do you think it would feel to be a spy in a totally different land or enemy territory? Terrifying, exciting. It would make me nervous

What are some things you might pray about before a real mission? Safety, not to  be fearful; success, ability, direction. 

What would be the right thing to do after a successful mission for God? Thank Him for going with you and preparing the way. Thank Him for giving you success, guidance, wisdom, and protection.   

Conclusion: Take your pictures home as a reminder that when we live by faith we will discover the things that God has placed all around us to bless our lives.