Leader Guide


  • Umbrella; or cardstock, cotton balls and glue
  • Two trumpets, horns, whistles, or kazoos (functional toys are fine)
  • Three sixth grade helpers or other leaders
  • Timer, such as a stopwatch, clock or watch with second hand, or timer app
  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk 
All or some of the following items (add or substitute items as desired):
  • Two blankets, tablecloths or sheets
  • Four chairs
  • Two sleeping bags
  • Water bottles
  • Buckets
  • Boxes of various sizes
  • Cooking pots
  • Wooden spoons
  • Stuffed animals—the larger the better   
  • Plastic or paper cups    
  • Whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

This game would be ideal to play outside or in a gym. 

Use the umbrella as a cloud; or make a cloud by gluing cotton balls to a sheet of cardstock.

Clear as large an area as possible in the room.

Create the Israelites’ camp near one end of the room by doing the following: 

Make each tent by placing two chairs together and draping a blanket or sheet over them.

Place a sleeping bag in each tent.

Group all of the animals together.

Randomly place the rest of the items around the “camp.” 

Gather and Go! Play a game to follow God’s leading.       

In the video, how did Joshua and Caleb react when the Israelites said they wanted to return to Egypt? They tore their clothing.

In Bible times, tearing your clothing was a sign of great grief, mourning and sorrow.

Why were Joshua and Caleb so upset? The people were rebelling against God. They would miss out on God’s promises because they did not believe God. 

The people wanted to choose a different leader, someone other than Moses, God’s appointed leader, and head back in the opposite direction. That was rebellion—a serious sin in God’s eyes. God had chosen Moses as their leader. God had also made it clear that He would guide them with the cloud and the pillar of fire. He wanted them to move and stop as He guided them.    

Optional: Read Exodus 13:21:

The LORD went ahead of them. He guided them during the day with a pillar of cloud, and He provided light at night with a pillar of fire. This allowed them to travel by day or by night.

Hold up the cloud sign. In this game, you will travel by day, so you will follow this cloud.

You are Israelites who will work in teams of two (groups of three for a larger class). When the cloud moves and the trumpets (or whistles) blow, you will work together to quickly tear down the camp, carry it to the area where the cloud stopped, and set up camp again—just like the Israelites. You will need to make more than one trip. Each team will be timed, and the team that moves and sets up camp the quickest wins.       

Have a sixth grade helper or leader hold up the umbrella or the cloud sign. Have two other helpers blow the trumpets, horns, whistles or kazoos during the game.

Divide the children into teams of two or three. For larger classes, have more children on each team. One team will play at a time and start by standing in the camp. Move the cloud to the opposite end of the room. When it stops, the horns will blow and the time begins. When the team has moved every piece of camping equipment and positioned them into place in the new location, stop the timer and record the time on the board. Play until each team has taken a turn; the team with the shortest time wins.   

Conclusion: That really looked like fun! As followers of Christ, we must be ready and willing to move as He leads. When we follow Him, He will lead us to victory!