Leader Guide

Review Game

  • True and False Signs
  • True and False Question List
  • Cardstock—four sheets
  • Poster board  
  • Two “stacked” potato chip cans, cake pop containers, yogurt cups, or thick plastic cups  
  • Two 12-inch round balloons plus extras
  • Scissors
  • Knife
  • Marker
  • Rags and/or paper towels, plus a trash bag for clean up
  • A large round plate to use as a template for drawing the target 
  • Container of honey or grape jelly
  • Bag of miniature marshmallows 
  • Table knife to spread the honey or grape jelly
  • Painters tape or masking tape    
  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk to keep score

Make two copies each of the True and False Signs on cardstock.

Make a copy of the True and False Question List.

Tape True and False Sign sets on the floor for Team 1 and Team 2. Place them about 8 feet from the target—see illustration.

On the poster board, use a marker and a large round plate as a template to draw a large circle as a bullseye target.  

Spread honey (or grape jelly) on the target area and most of the rest of the poster.

Tape the poster board to a wall. Adjust the presentation accordingly if jelly is substituted.   

Carefully cut off the bottoms of the snack cans with the knife. 

Tie a knot in both balloons—do not inflate.

Cut off the end (rounded part) of the balloon.

Place the open end of the balloon over the bottom end of the snack can or cake pop container—as far forward as possible. It would be helpful to have a helper hold the can steady while you slide on the balloon.

Operate and test a launcher so you can assist children with its operation.  

Honey-Marshmallow Review: Play a game to review the Bible story.                       

In the video, what did Gizmo use to send grapes to Chris and Joy in the Promised Land? A grape shooter or launcher attachment on his arm.

For the review game, instead of grapes, you will have a chance to shoot marshmallows at a target. What is Canaan or the Promised Land sometimes called? The land of milk and honey.

That is why the target you will shoot the marshmallows at is covered in honey. If your marshmallow sticks to the target, you will score points:

·      3 points if a marshmallow sticks to the center or bullseye of the target. 

·      1 point if a marshmallow sticks to the poster outside the target.

Here is how the game is played: I will ask the same question to a player for each team. You will answer by standing on either the True or False Sign. When both players are standing on their sign choice, I will reveal the answer. You score five points for a correct answer. You will then have three shots with the launcher to hit the target. The first shot is a practice shot. The next two shots will count to score points. Demonstrate how to use the launcher.

There is one more way to score a point. When the correct answer is false, the current players can talk with their teammates to determine the correct answer. Then the current player on both teams will whisper the answer to me. If it is correct, you score one more point! Let’s play!

Divide the children into two teams. If they are unequal, a player may take two turns.