Leader Guide


  • Four small- to medium-size buckets or containers
  • Something weighty to fill one bucket per team, such as a sealed jug of water or a sealed bag of gravel, dirt or sand
  • Optional—masking tape
  • Optional—tarp, rug or blanket to cover floor under bucket
  • Chalkboard and chalk; whiteboard or poster board and marker

Mark or tape a starting line.

Place two empty buckets about 15–20 feet from the start line.

Fill one bucket for each team with something weighty, such as a sealed jug of water or a bag of gravel, dirt or sand.

Write the SuperTruth on the whiteboard, chalkboard, or poster.

Note: This game could be played outside.

What kind of work do you think the people of Israel were doing in Egypt? Hard work—digging, lifting heavy weights, making bricks.

Do you think that God knew what was going on—why or why not?

Yes, our SuperTruth has the answer! Let’s say it together: “God sees, hears and understands me.”

The Israelites needed help, and quickly! They were forced to do backbreaking work every day under a cruel taskmaster, Pharaoh! They desperately needed someone who could see their misery, hear their cries for help, care about their suffering, and be powerful enough to save them! Who could they cry out to; could it be a normal man or woman?

How about a superhero?

Well, superheroes are exciting and fun to watch, but they aren’t real. The only one who had the power to help them was God! And God chose Moses to rescue them! Moses was powerless on his own; but with God’s help, he could get the job done!

Let’s play a relay game to remind us of the Israelites’ hard work under Pharaoh. God saw their oppression, heard their cries, and knew their sorrows! He understood their need for His help!

Divide the children into two teams. Each team lines up behind the starting line. Give a bucket containing a jug of water, or a bag of gravel, dirt or sand to the first child on each team. At your signal, both players race to their other bucket and put what’s in their bucket into the empty bucket. Each player then shouts the SuperTruth and takes the full bucket back to the next person in line. If a player forgets to say the SuperTruth, he or she must stop immediately and shout it out. The second child takes the full bucket, races to the team’s empty bucket, repeats the SuperTruth, then carries the full bucket back to the next player in line.

Each child actually carries the same load back and forth, but in different buckets—symbolizing the endless toil of the Israelites. The process of filling and emptying the buckets continues until each team member has taken a turn. The first team to complete the bucket relay is the winner.

Wow, you are hard workers! The Israelites cried out to God and He answered their prayer! Let’s shout the SuperTruth one more time, all together: “God sees, hears and understands me.”