Leader Guide

Discussion Activity

  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App
  • Occupational tools—see list below
  • Toolbox, OR: Toolbox Pattern

Gather items used in a variety of occupations such as a hammer—carpenter, pipe wrench—plumber, electrical tape—electrician, screwdriver—mechanic, ruler—teacher, stethoscope—doctor or nurse, spatula—cook, badge—police, makeup—actor, pen—writer, musical instrument—musician, calculator—accountant, book—librarian, ball—athlete, Bible—pastor, missionary, Christian. Put the items in a toolbox or bag.

If you don′t have a toolbox, copy the Toolbox Pattern to show children.

Hold up the toolbox or bag filled with items related to various occupations or the Toolbox Pattern.

What kinds of jobs require a toolbox? Carpenter, electrician, plumber, repair person.

Now, take out the occupational items you put into your toolbox, one at a time. As you do, ask the group to name what occupation each tool may represent.

These items are called “tools of a trade″—equipment that helps with specific jobs. A trade is another word for a skilled job or occupation. In our Bible story, God gave Moses an important job to do. Moses objected because he didn’t feel he had the proper tools or skills needed to do the job. How did God equip Moses for the job of leading His people out of Egypt?He gave Moses courage and wisdom, as well as his brother, Aaron, to assist him. God also did miracles through Moses such as the plagues, parting the Red Sea, and providing water in the wilderness to make the Israelites’ exit possible.

How does God equip us? God gives each of us the wisdom, strength, abilities, and opportunities to do the job He has for each of us. He works through us like He did with Moses.

Let’s look at a few things that God did to prepare and equip Moses for his future role in guiding the Israelites out of Egypt and through the wilderness:

God kept Moses, a Hebrew baby, safe from the Egyptians. Moses was raised like a prince by Pharaoh’s daughter in the palace. During that time, Moses received the best education in Pharaoh’s palace! This prepared Moses to write the first five books of the Bible!

As a shepherd, Moses learned to care for and lead sheep. The Bible often refers to people as sheep. God prepared Moses to be a shepherd to the Israelites—God’s sheep.

Moses had many objections and was not confident in his ability to shepherd God’s people. But God knows us better than we know ourselves. He works through our weaknesses to accomplish His plan and purpose. God says in 2 Corinthians 12:9,

“My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.”

God provided Moses all he needed to accomplish his role as a leader—both physically and spiritually. God equips each of us with whatever we need to accomplish His purpose, too. When Jesus comes into our hearts, He gives His Holy Spirit—filling us with God’s unlimited love, power and wisdom. As it says in John 3:34,

“God gives Him the Spirit without limit.”

Our SuperTruth says that “God sees, hears and understands me.” He knows exactly what we are thinking. He knows our doubts and fears. He also knows exactly what we need to do, what He has called us to do!