Leader Guide


  • Ten water bottles filled about ¼ full
  • Tape
  • Blue towels, bedsheets or cloth
  • Two tennis balls, or any small balls
  • Plague Card Pattern
  • Optional: whiteboard or chalkboard to tally score
  • Helper, such as a sixth grader

Copy and tape a plague card to each water bottle.

Mark or tape two lines about 15 feet apart.

Place blue towels or sheets parallel to each other between the two marks or lines to create a “Red Sea″ bowling lane.

Line up the water bottles with plague cards visible in a triangle pattern behind the mark or line at one end.

Note: For large classes, create a second lane for the other team. Or, if you prefer, play as one large group and work together for a high score!

The Israelites were slaves in Egypt for many years. God heard their cries for help and sent Moses to deliver them. Moses was not confident in himself. He told God that he couldn’t speak well. God reminded Moses that He made his mouth and that He would be with him and give him the words to speak! God used Moses to warn Pharaoh about the plagues that would come if he didn’t let the Israelites go. After ten plagues, Pharaoh finally had enough! He let God’s people leave Egypt. God saw, heard and understood Israel’s situation and cries for help! God overcame Moses’ weaknesses and rescued His people! Let’s say the SuperTruth together: “God will overcome my weakness.″

Let’s name the ten plagues that God sent to Egypt. Help children with hints as necessary.

  1. Water to blood
  2. Frogs
  3. Lice
  4. Flies
  5. Livestock disease
  6. Boils
  7. Hail
  8. Locusts
  9. Darkness
  10. Death of firstborn

Let’s play a bowling game called the Red Sea Roll! The Israelites followed God’s dry path through the Red Sea. We have created a bowling lane here with “water″ on either side to roll the ball through. Your job is to knock over as many plagues as you can!

Divide children into two teams which will alternate turns. A player rolls one ball to knock over the bottles. After a helper clears out fallen bottles, the same player rolls a second time to try to knock over the remaining bottles. Score a point for each bottle knocked down, or 15 points for a strike—ten pins knocked down by the first and/or second roll. For fun, announce the plagues knocked over on each roll like a sports announcer. Play until each child has a turn to bowl. Tally the points. The team with the most points wins.

You were really on a roll there! Let’s all say the SuperVerse together. Exodus 4:10–12:

Moses pleaded, … “O Lord, I’m not very good with words.″ ... Then the Lord asked Moses, “Who makes a person’s mouth? … Is it not I, the Lord? Now go! I will be with you as you speak, and I will instruct you in what to say.” 

Yes, God overcame Moses’ weakness to rescue the Israelites!