Leader Guide


Make one copy of the Plan Card Pattern, for every six children.

Cut out the individual Plan Cards.

Shuffle the Plan Cards and place them in a pile.

Print out the Plan Card Markers on paper or cardstock.

Place each Plan Card Marker on the floor according to the illustration, as far apart as possible in the classroom. Leave space for two teams to form lines outside the playing area.    

What was Chris’ big plan that he was rushing to complete? Clean his room and have his dad follow a route to get them to the soccer game on time to buy tickets.

Did the plan work; why or why not? No, Chris’ dad stopped to help someone.

After their journey to see Joseph, what did Chris say he was going to start following instead of his own plan? God's plan.

Our SuperTruth says: “I will trust God and His plan for me.” Joseph trusted God’s plan for his life even though he could not understand what was happening! Joseph made the best of every situation he was placed in and honored God. Because of that, Joseph had God’s favor in all that he did. We are going to play a game where each of you will follow a plan. The plan is unique to you, so you can’t follow someone else’s steps.

Divide the children into two equal teams. Hand a Plan Card to each player. Explain that they must follow the numbers in order: this is the plan designed just for them. Point out the number cards that are in five different places in the room.

Begin the game. The first player from each team will start the game and follow their individual plan, walking quickly from number to number in order. The player will then return to the back of the team’s line. Be ready to assist children with special needs. The first team to complete their plans wins.

If time permits, play another round. Gather the cards, shuffle them, and hand one to each player. As the game progresses—sometimes twice during a player’s turn—call out a new way to travel: walk backward, skip, hop on one foot, etc. Discuss how we are sometimes thrown curves in our plans and have to adjust and deal with them.

Okay, that was a great race. Did any of your plans take you in a straight line? No!

Sometimes we may not understand God’s plan for us, but we need to trust and follow anyway! Let's learn more about Joseph and how he trusted God completely.