Leader Guide


  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App
  • Chalkboard and chalk, or whiteboard or poster board and marker

Write out the SuperVerse, including reference, on the board.

Our SuperVerse is Proverbs 3:5:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. 

Say the verse together, looking at the board. Our SuperVerse tells us to trust in God completely with all of our heart instead of depending on our own wisdom and understanding. This is what Joseph did for many long years. He was taken from his father, betrayed by his older brothers, thrown into a well, and sold into slavery after he had two amazing dreams from God that he was going to be a leader and ruler! What a shock this must have been to Joseph! He could not depend on his own understanding because none of it made any sense. Joseph had to trust in God and His plan for him!

Let’s stand in a circle! Have you ever played a game where you take turns spinning an arrow to move on your turn? Today, I am going to be a human game spinner—and whoever I point to should say one word of our SuperVerse!

Stand in the middle of the circle, turn around, then suddenly point at a child who should immediately say the first word in the verse. As you keep turning—as fast or slow as you like—keep pointing quickly to various children, who should immediately say the next word, until the verse is finished. For the first few words, pick children who know the verse and won’t be shy to shout out the word. Children can look at the board if they forget a word. Repeat as time allows, allowing some children to be “spinners.” Praise the children each time the verse is completed correctly. Close by asking everyone to recite the verse together from memory.