Leader Guide


  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

What do you think Joseph thought when he was thrown into the well? Children answer.

Can you name some times that you might have been afraid, if you were Joseph? Seeing his brothers’ anger and jealousy; in the well; sold into slavery; falsely accused; in prison; away from his father; in a different country.

Yes, there were probably many times when Joseph felt alone and afraid.   

Here is what the Bible tells us. Read Psalm 56:3–4 (cev):

Even when I am afraid, I keep on trusting You. I praise Your promises! I trust You and am not afraid. No one can harm me.

Joseph trusted in God, despite the hard times in his life, and we can, too! Are you going through a hard time? Maybe you are confused and don’t understand how you fit into God’s big plan. Maybe you have been hurt and mistreated. You can come to me or another trusted adult and talk privately about any of these things—and you can always go to God with your problems, 24/7. What does 24/7 mean? 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Yes, God is available 24/7!

Let’s take a few moments right now to pray quietly and open our hearts to God. Allow a few moments of silence. Tell God how you feel right now. Allow a few moments of silence. Ask Him to show you how much He loves you. Allow a few moments of silence. Ask Him what you would like Him to do, then ask Him what He would want YOU to do. Allow a few moments of silence.  

Close in prayer: Dear God, thank You for always being with us through every type of situation. No matter what happens, we can trust that You will answer when we call upon Your name. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.