Leader Guide

Object Lesson

  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App  
  • Two chairs without arms
  • Two pieces of paper for signs
  • Marker
  • Tape

Write “God” on one paper/sign and “Other” on the other paper/sign or print the Trust God Completely posters.

Tape a sign to the back of each chair. 

Place the two chairs as close together as possible at the front of the room, with the signs facing the children. 

Let’s say our SuperVerse together. Proverbs 3:5:

Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding.

Joseph had to trust God through some very tough times, didn’t he? Can you name some of the times that Joseph had to trust in God and His plan for him?

Yes! Joseph could not depend on his own understanding of what was happening to him for those long, difficult years!

Point to the two chairs. These chairs represent our trust in God and our trust in ourselves, other people, or things. Trust means to place our confidence and belief in a person or thing to benefit us in some way. Sit in the “God” chair. When we sit in a chair, we trust it will hold us up, don’t we? You see, I trusted this chair to hold me safely and keep me from falling to the ground, and it did what it was made to do. 

Each day we make choices about what to trust. Our SuperVerse tells us to trust God with ALL, not just part of our heart. Joseph did this, even when he didn’t understand what was happening to him. Joseph was completely in God’s care. You see, with us, it is easier to trust God with all of our heart when things are going smoothly. Slide over carefully so you are partly on the “God” chair and partly on the “Other” chair. But, when things start to get a little tough, it is tempting to put some trust back in other things. Slide completely over to the “Other” chair. Sometimes things are so disappointing or confusing that we start to doubt God, and we abandon His plan for our lives. Joseph did not do this. Slide back to “God” chair. Can you name another person in the Bible who trusted God’s plan completely even when it meant that He would die? Jesus!

Move halfway between chairs. Did Jesus trust God with only part of His heart? No!

Slide to “God” chair. He trusted God with all His heart just like our SuperVerse says!

Let’s decide what we are going to do! How much are we going to trust God and His plans for us? Adjust your position on the chairs to represent the amount of trust before asking each question. Are we going to trust God with our heart 25 percent? No!

50 percent? No!

75 percent? No!

Well then, how much are we going to trust God? 100%, all the way.

Move completely onto the “God” chair. Yes! Praise God that He is always worthy of our faith and trust!