Leader Guide


  • Forty paper plates or sheets of paper
  • Marker

Write one letter of the word “SALVATION” on the face of nine plates to make a set for Team 1, and stack them in a pile, letter side up.

Create a second set of plates like the first set for Team 2 and stack them in a separate pile.

Add 11 blank plates to both stacks so each stack has 20 plates.

Keeping the sets separated, shuffle the plates in each pile.

Place one set of plates face down on the floor, in four rows of five plates.

Place the other set in the same pattern 12–15 feet away from the first set—see illustration.

Let’s find out who can answer our two bonus questions from Large Group!

1. Which brother did Joseph keep with him to make sure his other brothers would return to Egypt? Simeon.

2. Whose grain sack contained Joseph’s silver cup? Benjamin’s.

Can anyone say our SuperTruth from memory? “God’s plan for Jesus brought salvation to all.”

Good job! We are going to play a game about God’s plan today. In our game, we are going to use lots of plates. Can you guess why we would do that?

Do you remember what Joseph did for his brothers soon after they brought Benjamin to Egypt, and before Joseph revealed who he was?

Joseph gave a feast for his brothers. This must have been quite a surprise for his brothers, since they were in the midst of a famine—meaning there was little food to eat. They had probably only been eating just enough to survive each day, since they did not know when the famine would end. Now that you know why we are using plates, let’s play! Some of the plates have letters that will form a word you must figure out—but some plates are blank!

Divide the class into two teams; they do not need to be equal. Have each team stand about 12–15 feet away from their set of plates that you have shuffled and placed face-down on the floor—see illustration. Start the game. The first player from each team walks quickly to their set of plates and turns over one plate. If the plate contains a letter, they bring the plate back and place it on the floor beside their team. If the plate is blank, they must show it to their team, then place it back in the same spot on the floor, face-down, then return to their team without a plate. Team members should try to remember the location of any blank plates to avoid picking them on their own turn. The next player takes a turn. Continue until one team finds all nine letters and correctly orders the plates to form the hidden word—SALVATION. Play another round if time allows.  

You did a great job of finding the word salvation! Do you know that we can bring God’s plan of salvation to others when we tell them about Jesus? God’s plan for Joseph saved many people and was a signpost showing how Jesus would fulfill God’s plan to save everyone. Now that’s the best news that anyone can receive!