Leader Guide


  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App
  • Whiteboard, chalkboard, or poster board
  • Marker or chalk
  • Eraser

Write the SuperVerse on the board in large letters.      

Have the children sit on the floor facing the board.

Let’s say our SuperVerse together. Genesis 50:20:

“You tried to harm me, but God made it turn out for the best, so that He could save all these people, as He is now doing.”

Joseph spoke these words to his brothers after their father’s death. The brothers were afraid that since their father was gone, Joseph would punish them for all they had done to him. Yet Joseph assured his brothers that he held no grudge against them. He explained that God took what they had done out of anger and jealousy and turned it around for good to save people’s lives in the famine.    

Say the SuperVerse again, then have the children turn around and cover their eyes so they cannot see the board. Using the list below, change one word of the SuperVerse on the board to alter the meaning of the verse, then have the children look at the board and raise their hands to tell you what word should be fixed. Write in the correct word, then repeat the process. 

  • Change “God” to “Pharaoh.”
  • Change “harm” to “help.”
  • Change “now” to “finished.”
  • Change “best” to “worst.”
  • Change “save” to “punish.”
  • Change “people” to “Egyptians.”

Very good! You know the SuperVerse very well already. Let’s say it the correct way together. Genesis 50:20:

“You tried to harm me, but God made it turn out for the best, so that He could save all these people, as He is now doing.”