Leader Guide


  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App
  • Where's the Verse Pattern
  • Scissors
  • Cardstock
  • Timer—clock/watch with second hand, stopwatch, timer app

Write the SuperVerse on the board.

Make copies of the Verse Pattern on cardstock, one sheet per four children, plus extras.  

Cut out the individual grain sacks on the pattern.

Mix up all the sacks and place in a pile.

The SuperVerse is divided into four parts on grain sacks as seen below: 

You tried to harm me,
but God made it turn out for the best,
so that He could save all these people,
as He is now doing. 
Genesis 50:20 (cev)

In this world, there are harmful and evil influences. Yet when we serve and trust God, He works in our lives and turns things around for good to strengthen us and to help other people. We will face difficult times, and things may not seem fair, yet we can trust that God is working for our good. Now, let’s play our game to help us learn this powerful memory verse so we can remember it when we are having a tough time!     

Take the pile of grain sack patterns that you have shuffled, and hand out one sack pattern to each child. Children should look at their own cards, but they cannot show them to anyone until the activity begins. Explain that no one may speak during the game, and children cannot hold their cards up so everyone can see. Each child will silently move around and show their card to other children—one at a time—looking for those who have other parts of the verse, until they find three children with sacks that complete the SuperVerse. Once four children hold the complete verse, they will stand in front of the board, holding their sacks in the correct order. To begin the game, start the time and play until all groups have formed the SuperVerse. Stop the time and record it. Have the children shout the SuperVerse together.

Have children exchange cards with players from other groups, then play another round to try and beat the previous time.