Leader Guide

Class Activity

Write these headings across the board or length of paper: Daughter, Son, Sister, Brother, Youngest, Oldest, Middle Child, Only Child, and Child of God.

Optional: Copy the New Name Tag Pattern, cut it out and fold according to instructions. You may make just one to show the whole class, or you may make one for each child.

Write these headings across the board or the length of the butcher paper: Daughter, Son, Sister, Brother, Youngest, Oldest, Middle Child, Only Child, and Child of God. Write your own name under all the columns that apply specifically to you.

Have the children write their names—first names only if you have a large class—under all headings that apply to them. Then, ask the children whether they have certain responsibilities because of certain roles, such as babysitting younger siblings, sweeping the floor, taking out trash, etc.

Finish the discussion by pointing at the “Child of God” column. I am so glad to see so many of your names here. God wants each of us to be His children. 

Read John 1:12:

But to all who believed Him and accepted Him, He gave the right to become children of God. 

Just think of that—all we have to do is receive Him and believe in Him, and we become God’s children! What responsibilities do you think go with being a child of God? Love, worship, honor, follow, and obey Him; pray; read His Word; tell others about Jesus, etc.

If you didn’t put your name under the child of God heading, you can still add it today! I would love to talk to you after class and explain how you can become a child of God. It is important that we understand the importance of our different roles in life as a brother, sister, son, or daughter, etc. Esau did not respect the position and role he had as the firstborn son. He took it for granted and sold his birthright! Yes, it is a privilege and blessing to be part of a family! But, the most important right we have is to be called a child of God!

Optional: Hold up the New Name Tag and write your name on the front. Then slide the front panel over, revealing the panel that says “Child of God.” If you made enough for the class, hand them out to the children to write their own names on the front panels.