Leader Guide
- Bibles or the Superbook Bible App
If we hurt other people, what do we usually tell them? I’m sorry.
If we only say that, however, we are still in control because we are telling the other person something. But if we also ask, “Will you forgive me?” we give up control and humbly ask the other person’s forgiveness.
There are four important parts in asking forgiveness.
- Tell the person very sincerely that you are sorry for what you did.
- Tell the person exactly why what you did was wrong.
- Tell the person that you will try very hard never to do it again.
- Humbly ask the person to forgive you.
Let’s pretend that you made fun of someone and hurt his or her feelings. What would you say? "I’m very sorry. I realize how much it hurt you when I made fun of you. I will never do it again. Will you forgive me?"
You may suggest other situations suitable for the ages of the children and have them discuss how to ask forgiveness. If you do all this and the person won’t forgive you, keep praying that he or she will forgive you later. You can have peace knowing that you did all that you could to bring healing to that relationship.
The greatest act of forgiveness anyone could ever do was when Christ died on the cross. He didn’t do one thing wrong in His entire life, yet He took the punishment for all of the sin that every person has ever done and will ever do! Was that fair? No.
It wasn’t fair—but Jesus chose to die for our sins because He loves us so much. Even as He hung on the cross, He showed His unconditional and unfailing love by asking God to forgive those who nailed Him there!
If someone hurts us and we don’t think we can forgive, we need to ask God to help us, and He will. Jesus talks about this in the Lord’s Prayer.
Read Matthew 6:12:
“Forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us.”
What does this mean? If we want God to forgive us, we must forgive others.
Discipleship Challenge/Practical Application
Today, we wrap up our Forgiveness Challenge. Does anyone have something to share that happened since our last lesson regarding the challenge?
Our challenge ends today, but we must continue to forgive as He forgives—every day!
Pray slowly, allowing time for the children to agree silently: Dear Jesus, thank You for forgiving us completely every time we confess our sins to You. Please forgive me for the wrong things I have done, because I have not only hurt others, but also You. I am truly sorry for my sins. Give me the strength and wisdom to turn away from my sins and not do them again. Help me to forgive others who have hurt me, as You forgive me. Thank You, Jesus, for Your love and mercy. In Your name we pray, Amen.