Leader Guide

Bible Study

Make copies of the Wisdom Worksheet—one for each pair of children.

Make one copy of the Teacher’s Answer Guide for yourself.

Tell the children to find someone in the room they don’t know very well to be their partner for this activity; or divide the children into pairs. Give a pencil and one activity sheet to each pair. The children will look up the Scriptures and answer the questions. After a few minutes, use the Teacher’s Answer Guide to lead a discussion, allowing the groups to share their answers.

Read James 1:5:

If you need wisdom, ask our generous God, and He will give it to you. He will not rebuke you for asking.

This verse tells us that God is generous with His wisdom. When we ask, He will give wisdom to us—and He will not criticize or find fault with us for asking. On the activity sheet are examples of people in the Bible who asked for wisdom. You will work in pairs to look up and read the verses, then write a brief answer to each question.