Leader Guide


  • Whiteboard and marker; or chalkboard and chalk
  • Beanbag toss game with boards and eight beanbags
  • OR see directions to make your own target and beanbags using a medium-size cardboard box with lid, tape, knife or heavy-duty scissors, 6" plate, marker, eight sealable sandwich bags, and 8 cups of sand, rice, dried beans, or unpopped popcorn
  • Optional: masking tape
  • Sixth grade helpers or other volunteers

Seal the top of the box with packing/shipping tape.

Using the plate as a template, draw a circle in the middle of the box lid, then carefully cut out the hole with knife or scissors.

Write GOD’S WORD in large letters above the hole. To make beanbags: Using eight sealable sandwich bags, fill each with about 1 cup of sand, rice, dried beans, or unpopped corn; don’t overfill and make too tight. Seal each bag and tape shut so it cannot open. Use marker to write “1” on four bags and “2” on four bags.

Tape or mark a starting line on the floor about 10 feet from the box.

Ask sixth grade helpers or other volunteers to retrieve and return beanbags during the game.

First, let’s answer the questions from Large Group. What are some ways that Eliezer obeyed Abraham’s instructions? See Genesis 24.

Second, what questions did Eliezer ask Rebekah at the well—and what answers did she give? See Genesis 24:17,23.

Third, what is today’s SuperTruth? “Obedience leads to blessings.”

Read James 4:17:

Remember, it is sin to know what you ought to do and then not do it.

Failing to obey God is sin. The meaning of sin is literally to miss the mark—like shooting an arrow and missing the target. God wants us to obey Him because He knows what is best for us. He understands the problems that our disobedience and sin will cause. What can happen when we are disobedient? Guilt, fear of punishment, hurt someone, cause others to lose trust in us.

According to our SuperTruth, obedience leads to blessings. So, think for a moment; where will disobedience lead us? Away from God’s blessings!

Yes; so we don’t want to miss out on all the blessings God intends for us to have!

Today, we are going to play a game to show what it means to hit the mark. The goal is to try to throw the beanbags into the target hole. As believers in Christ, the mark or target that we aim for is to honor God by our obedience and to stay on His path. When we choose to go our own way, we disobey God’s Word, and we miss the mark.

Divide the class into two equal teams. If they are not exactly equal, have a helper play, or have one child play twice.

Teams stand next to each other, in single file, behind the line.

Place a pile of four beanbags—same color/number in each pile—on the line beside each team.

Start the game with the first player on each team simultaneously trying to hit the mark by tossing a beanbag toward the box hole.

Each player gets one toss. If a player hits the mark and the bag goes totally into the hole—the player runs to the back of the line, and the next player takes a turn.

If the player misses the mark and the bag doesn’t go in the hole—he or she must try again with another bag. The player may take a step closer to the target to have a better chance of success. Players should continue trying—standing closer and closer to the target as necessary—until they succeed.

The team with all of its players hitting the mark first wins the game.

Continue playing until all players have had a turn.

Note: This should be continuous, fast-paced action. Teams do not wait for the other team to retrieve missed beanbags. Sixth grade helpers or other volunteers should retrieve and return beanbags.

Play again as time permits.

Conclusion: It is impossible to hit the mark every time, right? As hard as we may try to perfectly obey God’s directions, we will fall short of the mark! However, Jesus gives us new hope! He hit the mark every single time and never sinned—not even once! Because of His obedience, we are righteous and blessed in God’s eyes!

Now, let’s find out more about how obedience leads to blessings in our Signpost video!