Leader Guide

Balloon Game

  • Balloons, one for each pair of children, plus extras for accidental breakage
  • Genesis to Esther Poster
  • Tape—to attach poster to the wall

Blow up the balloons.

Print the Genesis to Esther Poster and hang on wall, overlapping the edges in the middle.

Our SuperTruth says, “I will obey God and trust His promises.” Our Superbook challenge is to memorize the Old Testament books. Let’s work on the first 17 books of the Bible—from Genesis to Esther—then you can continue memorizing them at home!

Pair children together and give each pair a balloon. Have each pair stand at least 6 feet apart. Each pair will volley the balloon between them as they each say the 17 books in order. Players may look at the poster as needed. The first player says “Genesis” and bats the balloon to the partner, who says “Exodus” and bats the balloon back, and so on. The pairs continue this until each book through Esther is called out in order. Pairs can play several times and challenge themselves to see how far down the list they can go without looking at the poster. If the balloon hits the ground, the pair must start over again.

This activity is not designed to be a race, but rather to familiarize children with the books as they appear in their Bible, to help them feel confident navigating it. Consider allowing them to say, “First and Second Samuel,” “First and Second Kings,” and “First and Second Chronicles” to aid in memorization and to speed up the activity.