Leader Guide

Bible Study

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In our Bible story today, Abraham was asked to obey God. If Abraham obeyed God, he would be greatly blessed with countless descendants. When we trust and obey God, our lives will be abundantly blessed. Let’s dig into some more verses where God promises He will act if we trust and obey. 

Have children look up and read the verses aloud. Lead a discussion using the questions below. Feel free to add any questions that you think will facilitate deeper discussion with your particular group.

Matthew 7:7:

“Keep on asking, and you will receive what you ask for. Keep on seeking, and you will find. Keep on knocking, and the door will be opened to you.”


  • What are the three things Jesus asks us to do? Ask, seek, knock.
  • What three things does Jesus promise will happen when we do? Receive what we ask for, find what we look for, and the door opens to us.
  • What do you think would happen if you didn’t do these things? Not receive what is promised here. You would not receive, find, or have the door open.
  • What does this verse tell us about how we need to go about prayer, seeking, and pursuing things we need? Be persistent and diligent, do not give up.
  • Does this verse tell us that God will give us anything we selfishly ask for? No, we need to pray and seek things that line up with God’s will for our life and things that agree with His Word.

Psalm 37:3–5:

3Trust in the Lord and do good. Then you will live safely in the land and prosper. 4 Take delight in the Lord, and He will give you your heart’s desires. 5 Commit everything you do to the Lord. Trust Him, and He will help you.


  • In verse 3, what are we asked to do? Trust in the Lord and do good.
  • What is the blessing tied to our obedience when we do this? Live safely and prosper.
  • In verse 4, what do you think it means to take delight in the Lord? Love to be in His presence and want what He wants for you. Desire all He has for you that is perfect and good.
  • What happens when we do this? When we want what God wants for us—He will give us all we desire and hope for.
  • What does it mean to commit everything to God? Include God in everything; place it upon Him like a burden that He might carry it with us. Ask Him to accompany you. Rely on Him.
  • What will God do when we commit to Him and trust? He will help us and bring it to pass—we will have success.

Proverbs 3:5–6

5Trust in the Lord with all your heart; do not depend on your own understanding. 6Seek His will in all you do, and He will show you which path to take.


  • In these two verses, what three things do we need to do to be obedient? Trust God, depend on Him and not ourselves, seek His will.
  • What is His promise to us if we are obedient to do these things? He will give us direction, He will lead us on the right path, and He will show us the way to go that pleases Him.
  • Can we trust in the Lord a little and depend on ourselves at the same time? No, trust in God completely, with our whole hearts, you cannot do both! You must let go.
  • Why is it important to seek God’s will in everything? So we don’t waste time and effort going down the wrong path; stay out of danger or things that aren’t beneficial to our walk with Him; don’t miss opportunities He has set before us.