Leader Guide


Display the Genesis to Esther Poster—from Lesson 1, and the Job to Daniel Poster.

Optional: display the Large Superbook Device with Old Testament Books—craft from Lesson 1.

We have been talking about the test that God gave Abraham. What kind of score or grade would you give Abraham on his test? 

How many of you like to take really hard tests in school? 

How do you think tests help you? 

The Bible tells us that tests are necessary for our faith. 

Read James 1:3:

For you know that when your faith is tested, your endurance has a chance to grow. 

Endurance is the ability to keep going and to hold up under pressure or hardship, to be patient even if God doesn’t answer right away, and to have faith in God even when it’s hard. You see, we can’t really know how strong our faith is until it is tested—until we go through a difficult time, and we see how God gives us the power of His Holy Spirit to obey Him.

Our game today is a series of tests, but don’t worry, they are just for fun—no grades or points will be given! You can choose to take or skip any of the tests; it’s up to you! Hand each child a sheet of paper. Now, the first thing I need you to do is to crumple up your sheet of paper into a ball. Thank you for your obedience. Smile.

Have children stand at least an arm’s length apart. You will announce the test and then start the time—for timed tests. Encourage children as they participate, and be prepared to help any with special needs. There is no scoring or competition; this is simply a fun action game. After each test, ask the children if they think they passed, and if they think it was a hard or easy test.


  • Balance on one foot for 30 seconds.
  • Balance on the other foot for 30 seconds—without blinking!
  • Run in place for 30 seconds while holding your paper ball in the palm of your hand. You must keep your hand perfectly flat and not use your thumb or fingers at all.
  • Tilt your head back, place the paper ball on your forehead, then march in place for 30 seconds without it falling off your forehead.
  • Quickly toss the ball from one hand to the other for 30 seconds without dropping it.
  • Pair up with a partner. Stand about 3 feet apart and toss your paper balls to each other twice, at the same time. Next, both partners take one step back and repeat. Finally, both partners take a giant step back and repeat.
  • Grades 1–3: Spell Abraham without making a mistake.
  • Grades 4–6: Spell Abraham backward without making a mistake.
  • Sit on the floor and keep your eyes closed for a minute until I say: Stop! About 20 seconds into the test, break the silence and say enthusiastically, “Look at that!” Remind those who opened their eyes that you didn’t say: Stop!
  • Toss the ball up in the air to yourself 27 times as you recite the first 27 books of the Bible. You may look at the posters on the wall, if needed.