Leader Guide

Guessing Activity

  • Large athletic socks—knee-high or tube style, or you may substitute pieces of cloth that you can tie closed with string; one for each letter of the word OBEY; and one rubber band for each sock
  • Washable marker to write on the socks, or paper and safety pins if you prefer not to write on them
  • One item that begins with each of the letters in the word OBEY—for example: for the word OBEY in English, you could use an orange, a bandage, an Earbud, and a yo-yo

Gather items that begin with the letters of the word OBEY.

Write or safety-pin a paper with one letter of the word OBEY on each of the four socks.

Place one item into each sock representing its letter and close it with a rubber band.

Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “I will obey God, even when it’s hard.” 

Place the lettered socks on the table so the letters are scrambled. Ask if anyone knows what word the letters can make. Once they figure it out, rearrange the socks to spell OBEY.

Inside each sock is an object beginning with the letter on the outside. Can you tell what is in the sock by just looking at it and not touching it? No. 

Do you trust me that there is something in each sock? Yes.

Briefly talk about how we must trust God in all things even when it’s hard because we don’t always know what the situation contains or see what it holds.

Now, let’s have some fun with the socks! We can laugh, but not talk. 

Pass the socks around the table in order of the letters in the word OBEY. Let the children hold and feel each one, but don’t allow conversation or comments. When the socks have been returned, hold each sock up and allow children to give their guesses for the contents. Then open each sock and reveal what is inside. 

Which sock was the hardest for you to guess?

You couldn’t see inside the socks, but you knew something was there because I told you and you trusted me. We can trust God when we read His promises in the Bible, and we can obey Him even when we don’t see the whole picture as He does. Even when we don’t have all the answers, God does. What is hidden to us is in full view to God. When we choose to trust and obey God even when it is hard, God will bless our lives.