Leader Guide

Object Lesson

  • Bible or Superbook Bible App
  • Two sixth grade helpers—or other children

Secretly tell two sixth-grade helpers—or other children—that during the lesson, you will command them to run in place; but instead, they should do jumping jacks.

God delights in our obedience. In fact, there is nothing that can take the place of obedience to God’s Word! The Bible tells about King Saul when he tried to substitute a sacrifice for obedience to God. God specifically told Saul to destroy everything in an enemy city. But Saul did something else. 

Read 1 Samuel 15:9:

Saul and his men … kept the best of the sheep and goats, the cattle, the fat calves, and the lambs—everything, in fact, that appealed to them. They destroyed only what was worthless or of poor quality.

Sometimes, we think we know best, don’t we? If someone tells us to do one thing a certain way, we may try to do it an easier and faster way, rather than doing what is asked. I know I have done that! Saul thought he knew better than God what to do with the things he won in the battle. Saul tried to excuse his disobedience by telling the Prophet Samuel that He was going to worship God by sacrificing some of the animals they captured! Saul thought he could get around what God asked by keeping the most valuable things and then offer up a sacrifice instead.

God was very angry at Saul for his disobedience—so angry that He removed him as King of Israel. 

Read 1 Samuel 15:22:

Samuel replied, “What is more pleasing to the Lord: your burnt offerings and sacrifices or your obedience to His voice? Listen! Obedience is better than sacrifice, and submission is better than offering the fat of rams.”

Okay, I am going to give —names of two helpers— an instruction to obey. Please run in place _____ -children’s names-. The children will begin doing jumping jacks. Ask the class:  Was that okay? Did they obey me? 

But their legs were moving and they were exercising; that’s good enough isn’t it?  

You are right; they were doing something active, but they didn’t do what I asked. They were disobedient because they decided they would have more fun doing jumping jacks than running in place. Actually, however, I asked them to do that before our lesson—so they were really obeying what I told them to do! Let’s clap for them!

What if your mom tells you to clean your room—but instead, you just throw things into the closet or under your bed. I mean, who really cares? You made your room look a little neater, so it’s the same thing, isn’t it? 

Did you really obey? 

No, it was easier to do it your own way, but you didn’t do what she really asked you to do.

What if the Holy Spirit speaks to our heart telling us to forgive someone who hurt us—but instead, we listen to a Christian song and sing along as a substitute. Is that obedience? 

Praising God is good, isn’t it? 

Well, yes, praising God is good—but obeying Him is always best.

God desires obedience more than anything else! Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “I will obey God, even when it’s hard.”

Has God spoken to you specifically about something you need to do but you are substituting something else for it, hoping He will accept that instead? Has He asked you to give up something that isn’t good for you, and you are trying to wriggle out of it by doing something else you think will please Him?

Pray for the children and ask God to give them the faith and the power of His Holy Spirit to do what He has asked, believing that God wants what is best for their lives and that He will bless obedience.