Leader Guide

Video Leader Guide

Select a video to have playing as children enter the Large Group room. Videos are under Resources on the top menu bar.

Have Small Group leaders greet the children as they enter the Large Group room and engage them in a game or conversation until time for Large Group to begin.

Welcome (2 minutes)

Hello, everyone! This is the final lesson of our Superbook adventure, “The Test!” We have been learning about Abraham’s absolute obedience to God even in a very hard test! Who remembers what that test was?

What did God promise to Abraham for passing the test?

I love to worship God anytime, but one of my favorite times is with you! Let’s sing The Salvation Poem together. As we sing, let’s think about how Jesus gave Himself as a perfect sacrifice to take away our sin and give us a wonderful, new relationship with God, our Father in heaven. If you have never asked Jesus to be your Savior, you can do it today as we sing this song!

Play Video 7: (Song) The Salvation Poem (3 minutes)

*Note: Be sure to preview the song so you can sing along with the children.

The Salvation Poem

SuperTruth and Discussion (3 minutes)

Our SuperTruth for today is, “God loves me and gave Himself for me.” Let’s say it again together! “God loves me and gave Himself for me.”

Good job! God is our provider. What are some things that God provides for us?

Read James 1:17a:

Whatever is good and perfect is a gift coming down to us from God our Father.

God provides everything we need—most importantly, the gift of salvation!

Introduce Condensed Bible Story Video (1 minute)

If all children watched the Bible story video in a previous lesson, omit it here and go straight to the SuperVerse.

Now for the children who haven’t seen our Bible story yet, we are going to watch a short version of the video. If you’ve already seen it, then this time as you watch, try to find all the ways that this story points to Jesus!

Play Video 4: Condensed Bible Story* (7 minutes)

*Note: To be biblically accurate, this video depicts Abraham’s willingness to sacrifice his son, Isaac, on an altar. Be sure to preview the video, as this scene may be too intense for some children. We have endeavored to present the story in the most accurate and sensitive way possible.

Condensed Bible Story

Superbook takes Chris, Joy and Gizmo to meet Abraham and his beloved son, Isaac. When Abraham puts God first and is willing to sacrifice his only son, God provides a ram instead.

Play Video 10C: SuperVerse Graphic 3

Graphic loops 2.5 minutes without audio; turn off or freeze video after children repeat verse.

SuperVerse Graphic 3

SuperVerse Discussion (2 minutes)

Our SuperVerse, John 3:16 (nkjv), says:

“For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.” 

How amazing to think that God loved us so much, He sacrificed His only Son to die for our sins! God provided for our eternal salvation, and everything we will ever need in this life through Jesus. Let’s all say the SuperVerse together one more time! Children repeat the verse.

Children will have more time to learn the SuperVerse in Small Group.

Introduce Signposts Video (1 minute)

Isaac was born when Abraham was 100 years old and his wife, Sarah, was 90. This was a miracle from God! Let’s watch our Signposts Video to learn how the story of Abraham and Isaac has many similarities to Jesus’ life and death on Earth.

Play Video 6: Signposts Video (4 minutes)

*Note: Be sure to preview this video as some imagery may be too intense for the younger children in your class.

Signposts Video

Prayer and Send-Off (2 minutes)

Let’s pray. Dear God, thank You for Your unconditional love that You show us through Jesus. We praise You, Lord Jesus, that You were willing to come to Earth while we were still sinners, to die for us to give us eternal life. Now help us trust You and obey You completely and live our lives for You. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.

Today in Small Group, we have a game about how many things God gives us. He is truly our provider! Now, let’s go have some fun!

Teachers take children to Small Group classes for Grades 1–3 and 4–6. If the combined group is small, all children may stay together for Small Group time.