Leader Guide

Paper Ball Game

Print and display Hosea to Malachi poster along with posters from Lessons 1 and 2; and/or Large Superbook Device with books of the Old Testament.

We are on the last lesson of our Discipleship Challenge to memorize the Old Testament books—and we are almost finished! We have one last activity to help us learn the last group of twelve books in the Old Testament, from Hosea to Malachi. These are called the Minor Prophets because the books are shorter in length than the Major Prophets, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel, and Daniel.

Divide the children into pairs. Hand each pair a sheet of paper to crumple up into a ball. Have each pair of players stand at least 6 feet apart. The first player of each pair will hold the plate in one hand and the ball in the other hand. They will then call out the first book; “Hosea” and toss the balls underhanded up in the air so the partners can catch them with their plates. The players then repeat the book and toss the balls back to their partners again. Each pair does this until they each have said the twelve books in order. Players may look at the posters or the Large Superbook Device made as a class project as needed. If a ball is dropped—the pair must start over at Hosea. Pairs can play several times and challenge themselves to go longer without looking at the poster. This activity is not designed to be a race but rather to familiarize the children with the books as they appear in their Bible, to help them feel confident navigating it.

Great! That was a different challenge wasn’t it? Was it difficult to catch the ball using the plate? 

Would anyone like to try to say all twelve Minor Prophet Books in order without looking at the poster? Allow volunteers to try this. Now, let’s say all the books of the Old Testament! We can look at our posters if needed!

Optional: Help the class memorize the books of the Old Testament in order by singing them to the tune of “Jesus Loves Me.” The sheet music shows how the list of books fits with the tune. The first verse includes the historical books—Genesis to Esther—and the second verse includes the wisdom books, plus the major and minor prophets—Job to Malachi.