Leader Guide

Object Lesson

  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App
  • Scissors
  • Washable markers or crayons—various colors
  • Copies of the "Me" Pattern—one per child

Cut out the figures or have children cut them out in class.

Decorate a figure to resemble you, the teacher, to use during object lesson.

Hand out a pattern to each child. If you chose not to cut out the figures before class, have the children do this now. Have the children use the markers to customize their figures to resemble themselves as much as possible. Explain that when they put two fingers through the holes in the bottom of the pattern, they will look like “legs.” 

Let’s say our SuperTruth together. “God loves me and gave Himself for me.”

That’s amazing isn’t it—such an expression of love God showed to all of us. The Bible says He gave His only Son  while we were yet sinners! Now, that’s the ultimate expression of love! So the question I would like you to consider for a moment is what possibly could we give back to God in thankfulness and appreciation for His costly gift? 

Those were some very thoughtful answers. Let’s see what the Bible tells us. 

Read Romans 12:1:

And so, dear brothers and sisters, I plead with you to give your bodies to God because of all He has done for you. Let them be a living and holy sacrifice—the kind He will find acceptable. This is truly the way to worship Him.

The answer is—US! Each one of us, including me! God placed such value on us that He sent His Son to die for us. So, the best thing we can give back is ourselves as a sacrifice to Him! Oh no—does that mean we will be tied up on an altar like Isaac was? 

No! Our verse tells us what kind of a sacrifice we’re to be; does anyone remember? 

A LIVING and holy sacrifice! God wants to use our lives in great and powerful ways! Isaac was willing and Jesus was willing—are YOU willing? That is what God calls pleasing worship to Him.

How do you show someone that you give up or surrender? You hold up your hands in surrender.

Let’s hold up our hands to God and surrender our lives to Him right now. Let’s tell Him how much we love Him and want to offer ourselves to Him in thankfulness! Spend a few moments in praise and worship to God with lifted arms!