Leader Guide

Priorities Game

  • Bible or Superbook Bible App
  • Stopwatch, timer, or watch with second hand
  • Chalkboard with chalk and eraser; or whiteboard with markers and eraser

Think of something that is important and valuable to you that would be hard to give up, if asked.

Let’s say our SuperTruth together: “God loves me and gave Himself for me.” God gave Himself—His only Son to us. That is a very valuable sacrifice. Remember when Abraham was asked to give up something very valuable to him—his son Isaac. 

Tell children about a special item that is very important to you. Talk about how this item would be very hard to give up if you were asked to maybe give it to someone else or not to use it for a season if it interfered with time or service for God. But, with God’s help you could obey. Maybe it is a special thing like Chris had that God would give you a chance to share with someone who isn’t as fortunate as you.

Nothing in our lives should have a higher priority than God or interfere with our relationship with God. Sometimes God tests us to see what is most important to us in our life. For instance, what do you think would be very important to a musician? An instrument, maybe fame.

How about a famous athlete? Their ability, skill and fame, money.

How about a very wealthy business person? Money, work.

Now, we are going to play a game. Think of something you have that is really valuable to you—but don’t say it out loud! Each of you will have a chance to draw your item on the board so that the rest of the class can try to guess it in 30 seconds or less. You cannot speak, but you can draw or act out your item—it is your choice. 

Select the first volunteer and start the time. You can choose to have children shout out their guesses or you can have them raise their hands to answer.