Leader Guide


  • Four pieces of cardstock or paper
  • Two boxes, clean trash cans, or any container to be used as a basketball basket/hoop
  • Two small balls that easily fit into the containers
  • Marker
  • Optional: painters or masking tape
  • Assistant, such as a sixth grader

Place baskets in middle of the room—refer to illustration.

Mark a shooting line about 6 to 8 feet from the baskets. Consider making two lines, with the closer one for smaller children. 

Write one phrase on each of the sheets of paper or cardstock: 1. When I feel afraid ...  2. When I feel unsure ...  3. When I feel alone ...  4. When I feel sad ... 

Tape the four signs to the floor or lean them against a wall or walls with several feet between them—refer to drawing. 

Omit this paragraph if you did not show the Bible story video of Job in Large Group. Now it is time for our bonus question from Large Group. What did God tell Job’s friends they must do because of their foolish advice to Job?Go to Job, offer a sacrifice, and he will pray for them; and God will not punish them.

Our SuperTruth tells us: “God is always with me.” Let’s say that together because we will need to say it during the game! Is God only with us when we feel happy and safe? No!

God is with us even when we face difficult times. Walk around the room, pointing to and reading each sign, having the class repeat the SuperTruth after each one.

  1. When I feel afraid … God is always with me!
  2. When I feel unsure … God is always with me!
  3. When I feel alone … God is always with me!
  4. When I feel sad … God is always with me!

Divide the class into even teams. One player may play twice if teams are unequal. Have teams form a single-file line a few feet behind the shooting line. The assistant and leader stand behind the baskets to retrieve the balls and roll or toss them back to the team’s shooters. 

The object of the game is to travel through the entire course and shout what is on signs 1 through 4, plus the SuperTruth, as you get to each one. This sounds easy, right? Well, hold on, the only way you can move from one sign to the next is when your teammate makes a basket!

Hand a ball to the first player of each team and have them both stand at the shooting line. The next player on each team will stand at the starting line. Each set of players must start this way.

Start the game. Both players try to shoot the ball into their basket at the same time. Each time a basket is made, that player’s teammate advances to a sign and shouts what it says, then adds the SuperTruth.

Example: When I feel afraid, God is always with me!

When players reach the fourth sign, they shout what it says, then both the shooter and teammate walk quickly to the end of their team’s line. Immediately, the next two players for that team take their positions, one at the shooting line and one at the starting line. 

Note: A shooter must make a total of four baskets to advance their teammate around the course and home. If a shooter is having difficulty getting the ball into the basket, allow him/her to stand closer to the basket. The first team to move all players around the course wins.

Play another round, with all players reversing roles.

Wow, good job everyone! It’s comforting to know we can face any problem because God is always with us!