Leader Guide

Fireball Toss Game

  • Whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Markers or chalk
  • Small rubber balls, tennis balls, soft plastic balls, ball-pit balls, or rolled-up socks—colored red or orange, if possible; one ball per group of 5 or 6 children
  • Music player—mobile device or CD player, etc.
  • Upbeat Christian music—consider using the “Salvation Poem” song from the video 

Write in large letters on the board: God is always with me ______.

Cue up the song/s you will use during the game. Make sure you understand how to use the player’s controls to start and stop the music.

If you were here for the Superbook video in Lesson 1, why did Gizmo cover Chris and Joy with his titanium shield pod? To protect them. 

The Bible tells us that the second messenger ran to Job and told him that fire fell from the sky, or heaven, and destroyed the sheep and their shepherds. This was part of the first test that Job experienced.

Divide the children into groups of about 5–6; adjust according to class size. Have each group stand in a circle and give them one “fireball.” To make things interesting, as you pass out the balls, juggle each one as if it is hot. The game is played like hot potato, with each child catching and tossing the “fireball” as quickly as possible to another person in the group.

For today’s game, we are going to imagine that each ball is a fireball that has dropped from the sky! I will start the music and you will toss it back and forth as quickly as you can until the music stops. The person holding the ball, or who tossed it last if no one is holding it, must sit down until the next round. Now, here is what makes this game interesting. I have written the SuperTruth on the board with a blank line at the end. When you catch the fireball you must shout the SuperTruth and then add somewhere that God is with you during a typical day for you. For example—“God is always with me at school” or “God is always with me when I feel alone.” Oh, yes; one more rule—you cannot repeat what another player has already said in that round! Remember, the fireballs are red-hot, but you must say the phrase before you toss it to someone else. If you forget, you must sit out until the next round. 

Does everyone understand how to play?

If anyone is unsure, play a practice round with the children. 

Start the music and stop it after about 10–15 seconds. Continue starting and stopping the music at longer and shorter intervals to keep children guessing. Play until only one player is left in each group. Play additional rounds as time permits so children who were eliminated early can play again.   

Optional: Have all the players who won the first round assemble into a new group for the next round to determine the grand champion. 

Conclusion: It was interesting and encouraging to hear all the places that God is with all of you! No matter where we are or what we face, God is always with us! You know, it would have been easy for Job to think God had forsaken or abandoned him. However, Job knew that was not true! Job believed God was with him through it all. Here is what the Bible says. 

Read Job 1:22:

 In all of this, Job did not sin by blaming God.

Let’s say our SuperVerse together. Deuteronomy 31:6:

“Be strong and of good courage, do not fear nor be afraid of them; for the Lord your God, He is the One who goes with you. He will not leave you nor forsake you.”