Leader Guide


  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Sit in a circle with the children.

Job knew his Redeemer lives, and we know our Redeemer is alive today. Who is our Redeemer? Jesus.

Yes, He redeemed us by taking the punishment for our sin. Now He sits up in heaven at the right hand of God the Father and hears every prayer we pray. And someday, we will see Him face to face!

Close your eyes and think about that for a moment—we will all see Jesus with our own eyes! Let’s go around the circle and each thank Jesus for something He has done for you. You can use your own words to say a short prayer, or you may just say something like, “Thank You for dying for me,” or “Thank You for redeeming me,” or simply, “Thank You, Jesus.” I’ll start, then we’ll go around the circle, and I’ll close.

Set the example with a sentence prayer, allow time for all children to participate, then close.

Dear Jesus, we are so thankful that You willingly died on the cross to pay the punishment for our sins, then rose again. You redeemed us, You give us hope, and You give us new life! Let us live each day for You. Please help us share the good news with others—that You are their Redeemer, too! In Your name we pray, Amen.