Leader Guide

Object Lesson

  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App
  • Bible to display
  • Whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Marker or chalk 

Do you remember when Job was put to the test? Well, we are going to take a simple test today, but it won’t be nearly as hard as Job’s! 

One at a time, write the following problems on the board and discuss: 

1. 5+5 _____10. What math symbol should be between 5 and 10? Equal sign, =. 

2. 1 minute = ____ seconds. Who knows the answer to this question? 60.

3. 1 pound = ____ ounces. What would the answer be—12? No, 16 ounces.

Great—you passed the test!

Now, I will write something else on the board for you to think about. Don’t give me an answer yet! Write on the board: God ____ Satan. 

Have you ever heard someone say God and Satan are equal?

Let’s take a look at a few facts to determine whether that is true.

1.  Satan is not a god. He was one of the angels God created at the very beginning. Satan desired to be equal with God. In Isaiah 14:14, Satan said:

“I will climb to the highest heavens and be like the Most High.”

He wanted to be like God, Himself! Because of this, Satan was thrown out of heaven.  

2.  Satan’s power and ability are limited by God. He is not all-powerful like God is. In our story, Satan had to ask for God’s permission to test Job both times. He did not have the power or authority to do it without God’s permission. Even when God said yes, He limited how far Satan could test Job. Satan did not have the power or authority to take Job’s life!

3.  Satan told God he was patrolling Earth—going back and forth, watching. Satan cannot be everywhere at the same time. God can be everywhere all at once! He is omnipresent, which means He can be present everywhere at all times. Isn’t it wonderful to know that if I need God’s help at my house, He can be there with me—and at the same time, He can still help you at your house, and help people in other neighborhoods, and countries, and all around the world!

Have you ever heard the story about Adam and Eve? God told them they could eat any of the fruit in the Garden of Eden except from one tree. Satan appeared in the form of a serpent. Do you remember what he asked Eve? Read Genesis 3:1:

The serpent was the shrewdest of all the wild animals the LordGod had made. One day he asked the woman, “Did God really say you must not eat the fruit from any of the trees in the garden?”

Why did Satan ask that question?  

Satan was trying to plant doubt in Eve’s mind, asking: “Did God really say that? Are you sure?” Satan still does that today! He tries to plant doubts in people’s minds, asking: “Did God really say that? Are you sure?” Hold up the Bible. We have this wonderful book. What is it called? The Bible, the Scriptures, God’s Word.

One name for the Bible is the Word of God. God speaks to us through His Word, which we should read and study every day. Then we can say with certainty, “Yes! God really HAS said that. We can trust His Word.” 

It’s interesting to notice that Satan waited until Eve was alone to question her about what God said. Satan likes to divide and separate people, keeping them away from other believers so he can more easily attack them. When we go to church and spend time with other Christians, we have more protection from an enemy who likes to shoot arrows of doubt and fear. In our story, it’s sad that no one stood with Job—not even his friends or his wife! Even so, Job stayed true to his faith in God. 

A huge difference between Jesus and Satan is what they came into the world to do. Let’s read what Jesus said. Read John 10:10:

“The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.”

Satan wants to trick people out of the good things God wants them to have. Satan wants to rob people of a satisfying life. He tries to steal their hope and joy by making them feel guilty and ashamed and worthless. Now think about Jesus, who came to die for us—to pay the price for our sins, to give us salvation, hope, and everlasting joy. Who would you rather serve? Jesus!

Jesus described another huge difference between Himself and Satan. In John 8:44, Jesus said the devil hates the truth, and he is the father of lies. Let’s read how Jesus described Himself: 

Read John 14:6:

Jesus told him, “I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one can come to the Father except through Me."

If you ever feel worthless and alone and ashamed, ask yourself: who wants me to feel this way—Satan or Jesus? Raise your hand if you think Jesus wants you to feel worthless and alone and ashamed. Children may raise hands. Now, raise your hand if you think Satan likes it when you feel that way. Children raise hands. Satan is happy when Christians give up and quit. Not Jesus! He sees us when we are down, then reaches out His hand to lift us up! Think about His hands for a moment. What is on Jesus’ hands? Nail prints! He willingly stretched out His arms on the cross to pay the price for our sins. He forgives us and loves us and wants to be with us always. He is our Redeemer, who came into the world to destroy the power of sin and death. He defeated Satan’s evil plan. Satan cannot stop Jesus from standing on Earth again. Someday we will see our Redeemer with our own eyes—just as Job described! 

Point to the board. Now, let me ask you the answer to the last problem on the board—would you put an equal sign here? No!

No, absolutely not! Satan is NOT equal to God! Write “>" between the words Satan and God. This is the symbol for “greater than.” God is the one and only true God. He is the Supreme God of heaven and Earth. He stands alone, high above everyone and everything! He is far greater than Satan, far greater than any person, and far greater than any other power in the universe. God has no equal!