Leader Guide

Word Game

Make copies of the Scramble Sheet, one per team of two children. 

Divide the class into pairs of children. Be sure to pair children who are weak readers or have special needs with children who can help them. Give a Scramble Sheet and a pencil to each pair. Let them work for about 5 minutes, as you move around to give hints to the groups as necessary. Go over the sheets with the groups and discuss the events briefly that pertain to each item.

In this activity each group will work together to solve the scrambled words for the answer to clue or question—then you will write the correct answer in the blanks.

Answer Key for teacher, only

  1. Redeemer
  2. Trouble, trials, suffering
  3. Courage and help
  4. Forsake
  5. Blameless
  6. Whirlwind
  7. Protection and prosperity

Conclusion: Have you ever been told you were a good un-scrambler?

Well, you certainly are—good work! God is with us no matter what we are going through!