Leader Guide


  • Dominoes, Jenga-style blocks, or small wood building blocks—six per team of 3 to 5 children
  • Optional: masking tape or painters tape
  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

Tape or mark a starting line near one end of the classroom.

Tape or mark another line on the opposite side of the classroom, about 20 feet away.

Place piles of six blocks each on the second line—one pile per team—leaving about 4 feet of space between each pile.

See the simplified game for younger children at the end of the activity.

In our game today, each team will work in unity to complete a task. Your team has one purpose: to move bricks from one end of the room to the other so a tower can be built. Does that sound easy? Well, it may be harder than you think!

Part 1: Retrieve the blocks

Divide the class into teams of 3–5 children based on the size of class and classroom. Teams line up behind the starting mark.

The first player on each team reaches their arms out as far as possible in front of them.

The second players on each team move in front of the first players and stand with their backs touching the first players’ outstretched fingers.

Proceed this way with the other team members forming a continuously moving human chain.

When the first players are at the end of their lines, they move up to the front and the process continues.

Repeat until one player can stand on the other line and pick up one block from the team’s pile.

Part 2: Return home

Everyone on the team now pivots so they all face the starting line.

The player holding the block is now at the back of the line. That player passes the block forward to the next player and then moves to the head of the line.

Similarly, the next player with the block passes it forward and moves to the head of the line, continuing until the team reaches the starting line.

The player then places the block on the floor to begin the team tower.

That player then moves to the front of the line and the original process is repeated to retrieve another block.

The first team to complete their tower wins.

Continue play for second and third place winners.

Once a player has moved forward into position, they must stay in that spot until it is time to move to the front of the line.

Simplified game for younger children:

Form two teams and have the children on each team stand side-by-side.

Place a pile of blocks by the first child on each team, and have them pass the blocks down to the last child, who builds the tower block by block.

The first team to build their tower wins.

Great work everyone! Now, what would have happened if one person did not remember what to do?

Yes, you could not have completed your task. Everyone joined together for the same purpose. You actually formed a human chain of unity. Now, let’s find out more about the power of unity.