Leader Guide


In the Superbook adventure, Chris and Joy had difficulty communicating with their new friend from India. Joy reminded Chris how it must be even more difficult for their friend, who moved to a new country, started a new school, and didn’t know anyone.

Have you ever moved to a new place and had to learn a new language and make new friends?

Was it easy or hard?

Or, have you ever met someone who just moved from another country?

Perhaps they didn’t speak the same language or dress the same as you. At times, it may be difficult to accept and understand others because they look or sound different. Yet, we must try to find something in common and treat them with respect and kindness. God loves all people in all the countries of the world. He wants us to see others as He does, and show them His love.

Today, I would like you to pray silently and ask God to open your eyes and your heart to others who may need a friend. Ask Him to help you reach out to them with a smile and a friendly voice to help them feel included. Ask God to help you understand others who may have different languages, clothing or customs.

Allow time for children to pray quietly for a minute or two.

Close in prayer. Dear God, Your desire is for all people to live in unity with each other, and to work together to complete Your work on Earth. We want to love everyone, not just those who are like us. Help us to find ways to share the Good News of Jesus with those who have not heard about You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.