Leader Guide

Scatter Game

  • Bibles orSuperbook Bible App
  • 80 sheets of paper: 40 sheets each of any two colors, and if possible, use paper to be recycled
  • Two empty paper towel rolls or two sheets of rolled and taped cardstock
  • Trash bag to carry the paper balls
  • Masking or painters tape
  • Measuring tape or yardstick
  • Ten wood blocks or dominoes
  • Timer, such as a stopwatch, clock or watch with second hand, or timer app
  • Chalkboard or whiteboard, and chalk or markers, to keep score
  • Sixth grade helpers or other volunteers to keep score

Tape a 6x6 footsquare area on the floor.

Use the ten wood blocks or dominoes to build a tower in the middle of the square.

Crumple the 80 sheets of paper into tight balls, 40 of each color, then place them into the square around the tower; or, have the children do this before the game.

If you have not already crumpled the 80 sheets of paper into balls—40 of each color—have the children do so before the game. Place the paper balls into the taped squarearound the tower.

We learned in our Bible story that the people did not want to be scattered around the world. They built a city and great tower so they could stay in one place. This was not God’s desire for them, so He confused their language and they scattered.

Optional: Read Genesis 11:7–9:

“Come, let’s go down and confuse the people with different languages. Then they won’t be able to understand each other.” In that way, the Lord scattered them all over the world, and they stopped building the city. That is why the city was called Babel, because that is where the Lord confused the people with different languages. In this way He scattered them all over the world.

We have a tower, and it is surrounded by paper balls which represent people. The people want to stay near the tower and live in the city they built. Your job is to scatter the people and move them outside the city square. Now, in Genesis 11, it does not say that God destroyed the tower; He stopped the tower from being completed. So, you must be careful not to hit the tower and knock it down.

Divide the class into 2 teams.

One player from each team plays at the same time.

Each player is given a cardboard tube to roll the paper balls. Players may not use their hands, feet, or anything else to move the balls.

Teams each have 40 paper balls of one color to scatter.

A round lasts 20 seconds. Adjust the time as desired.

Begin with one player from each team standing inside the square.

Shout, “Scatter the people!” and start the timer for 20 seconds.

Players use the tube to roll as many of their team’s balls as possible outside the square before time ends.

Paper balls can go anywhere outside the square, with balls of different colors mixed together.

Players must be careful not to accidentally scatter the other team’s balls!

If a player accidentally knocks over part of the tower, time and play immediately stops and the children must rebuild the tower. Once the tower is rebuilt, time is started again and the round continues.

The team that knocked over the tower loses 3 points at the end of the round.

When time ends, shout, “Stop scattering!” A team scores one point for every ball of their color that is outside the square.

After scoring the round, the players return the balls back inside the square.

Play until all children have had a turn. The team with the highest score wins.

Conclusion:That looked really fun and challenging. It is amazing how God used the different languages and communication problem to scatter the peopleall overEarth!He could have destroyed the tower and the people, yet in His love and mercy, He gave the rebellious people a second chance to do His will.