Leader Guide

Chase Game

  • Two rock-type bouncy balls that bounce erratically, preferably two different colors; or, if the rock-type balls are not available, you may substitute regular bouncy balls
  • Optional: black permanent marker
  • Chalkboard and chalk, or white board and marker to keep score
  • Sixth grade helper or another volunteer to keep score
  • Bibles or Superbook Bible App

This game is best suited for a large open area such as a gym or parking lot. If playing in a classroom, move tables and chairs aside to create as much room as possible.

If the balls look the same, use the marker to color one of the balls.

Who can say today’s SuperTruth?

Yes, let’s all say it together:“I will pursue the Holy Spirit.”

We are learning how important it is to follow the Holy Spirit as closely as possible. When we do this, He equips and enables us to accomplish God’s will and purpose in our lives. Sometimes God leads us in a straight path; other times, there may be twists and turns we may not expect or understand.

The Bible contains many examples of when Jesus’ followers were led to places they did not expect to go.See Acts 16:6; Acts 8:26. Like Jesus’ followers, we must pursue the Spirit by faith. The Holy Spirit always leads us in the direction of God’s will and will always work for our good. We must listen carefully to recognize and follow His voice!

In this game, you will not pursue a person—you will follow after a bouncy ball. That may seem easy; however, these are no ordinary bouncy balls.

Bounce a ball to demonstrate if you wish.

Divide the children into two equal teams. If teams are uneven, one player may play twice. Try to mix younger and older children.

Have the teams stand at one end of the room.

The first players for each team stand together.

Show each team the color of ball they are to pursue and catch.

Bounce the balls at the same time and say Go.

The children will pursue the balls.

The first player to return the ball to you scores one point.

Continue until all players have taken at least one turn.

Have a Sixth Grade helper or another volunteer keep score on the board.

The team with the most points wins.

Conclusion: What made pursuing these balls more difficult than regular balls?

Yes, the ball bounced in random directions and you could not anticipate where it would go next. That was just a fun, crazy game of pursuing something. It is important to understand that pursuing the Holy Spirit may take us in different directions; however, it is never random. There is always a purpose and specific reason wherever God leads us! It may not be a straight path, yet it always keeps us on God’s path!