Leader Guide

Balloon Game

  • Rope, string or yarn—about 2 feet per child
  • Scissors for the teacher
  • Two round balloons
  • Marker
  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Carefully cut two long sections of rope, string or yarn, with the exact length for two teams. You will need about 2 feet per child; so, for a team of ten children, the rope should be about 20 feet long. Extra rope can remain at one end. For large classes, add additional teams with a maximum of ten children each. Smaller classes can play with fewer children on teams.

Inflate balloons and tie closed.

Write “PEACE” in large letters with the marker on each balloon.

Ephesians 4:3 says:

Make every effort to keep yourselves united in the Spirit, binding you together with peace.

Peace is a fruit of the Spirit. The Holy Spirit produces peace inside us. Imagine all that we can do together when we follow the Spirit’s leading and work in peace with others! Paul talks about this in today’s SuperVerse—to agree with one another and to have one mind and purpose. It is not always easy to keep peace when working with others. We must rely on the Spirit to help us and then put forth effort to keep peace alive.

Hold up a section of rope and a balloon. This is what our game is about today. You are going to be united by the Spirit, represented by the rope. You must not let go of the rope! You will all work toward keeping peace alive on each team by bouncing the balloon to the players on your team.

Divide the class into two equal teams. A teacher or an assistant can play to even out teams if necessary.

Teams make two separate lines standing side by side with space between each child.

Give a rope to each team and have them stretch it out.

Players must hold the rope with at least one hand at all times.

Give a balloon to the first player of each team.

The goal is to move the balloon to the other end of the line before the other team does.

Players must bounce or bat the balloon in the air with either hand to the next player beside them. Players may not be skipped. If the balloon touches the floor, it must be picked up and returned to that player—all while each player holds the rope with one hand.

The team that passes the balloon first to the other end wins.

Conclusion: That looked very challenging. What was the most difficult part of the game?

Would it have been easier to let go of the rope?

Sometimes we will be tempted to follow our own path and not listen to the Holy Spirit. It is tempting to just do what we want and not be concerned with others. However, God’s Spirit is the common bond or link between us that keeps us focused and working toward the same goal. We need the Holy Spirit to help us work in peace with others.

Let’s say the SuperVerse together. Philippians 2:2:

Then make me truly happy by agreeing wholeheartedly with each other, loving one another, and working together with one mind and purpose.