Leader Guide


Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Nehemiah mourned and wept when he heard the news about his homeland. Day and night Nehemiah went to the Lord in prayer. He humbly confessed not only his own sins, but also the sins of the people of Israel. (See Nehemiah 1:4–7.) It was because of Israel’s sins that God had allowed the city of Jerusalem to be conquered and destroyed. The people were scattered and became captives of their enemies. Nehemiah mourned and wept for his people because of their sin. His prayers remind us of how we should repent for our sins and pray for our nation and its sins against God. If we will do this, God gives us a promise.

Have children look up 2 Chronicles 7:14–15 and ask one to read it aloud.

14Then if My people who are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 15My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to every prayer made in this place.

Have you ever prayed for our nation?

Let’s take time to do it right now. We want to ask God to forgive our sins and change people’s hearts so He can heal and restore our land. Have children bow their heads. Say a one-sentence prayer to begin, then go around the circle and allow children to say a short prayer for the nation. If a child is not comfortable thinking of a prayer to say aloud, they may simply say, “God, bless our country.”

After all children have had a chance to pray, close in prayer.

Dear God, thank You that You hear every prayer when we humbly seek You and turn from our sin. We pray for our nation and our leaders today, that they will follow Your ways so that our land might be blessed, healed and restored. In Jesus’ name, Amen!