Leader Guide


  • Whiteboard and marker, or chalkboard and chalk
  • Two empty cardboard paper towel tubes
  • Ten round balloons plus extras for breakage
  • Two boxes
  • Two 7-inch paper plates, or cut larger plates down to 7 inches
  • Masking tape or painters tape
  • Optional: sixth grade helper or another volunteer to serve as an “enemy attacker”

Write the SuperVerse on the board.

Place the boxes at one end of the room.

Mark or tape a starting line on the floor about 20 feet away from the boxes.

Tape two Xs on the floor (in line with each team’s box) midway between the boxes and the starting line.

If you choose to have a volunteer play an “enemy attacker,” explain that the job is to only blow on the balloons while players are turning around on the X on the floor. The volunteer should not actually touch the players during the game.

First, let’s begin with the question about the Bible video in Large Group. What were some of the challenges that Nehemiah faced? He had to organize mostly untrained workers to do different tasks to rebuild the walls. Many of the materials he reused were burned and damaged. He had to convince the leaders and people of Jerusalem around him to undertake the task. They faced constant opposition from Sanballat and Tobiah. The people grew weary as they worked night and day on the wall.

One challenge was to build the wall while also being ready for an attack. What was one way that Nehemiah prepared for that challenge?

Look at the board as we say our SuperVerse together. Nehemiah 4:17:

The laborers carried on their work with one hand supporting their load and one hand holding a weapon.

This was a smart way to be ready for an attack and still continue progress on the wall—and that’s what our game is about.

Hold up a paper towel tube. This tube represents a weapon. You will hold it with one hand and carry a load with your other hand! What kind of load do you think the laborers carried? Large stones; wooden beams; buckets of mortar, dirt, sand, and water; etc.

Hold up a plate with a balloon on it. Demonstrate the game as you explain it. The balloon represents a large stone you need to carry to the box for the builders. You may only use the hand holding the plate to carry the load. You cannot use the hand carrying the weapon to help balance or steady the load at any time. If the stone falls off the plate, you must wait for the team assistant to load the stone back onto your plate before you can continue. One more important thing; you must be prepared and ready for an attack! At the X on the floor, you must turn completely around in a circle to look for enemy attackers! Then you may continue to the box to drop off your stone. Once you complete your work, you must return home walking backward, and also turn around at the X, still on the alert for attackers! The first team that has all of their workers carry a load and return home wins.

Divide the class into two equal teams. One player may need to play twice.

For larger classes, add paper towel tubes and supplies to make more teams and courses.

Teams line up behind the mark.

Give a tube, plate and balloon to the first player on each team.

Give a balloon to the next four players on each team.

Choose a volunteer to be an assistant for each team. They will pick up any “stones” that are dropped and load them back on the plates for the laborers to continue their work. Also, the assistants must quickly carry balloons back to their teams since there are only five per team. This is a very important job so the work does not stop!

Upon completing the course, each player gives the plate and “weapon” to the next player in line.

For an added challenge, turn the plates over and balance the balloons on the back of the plates!

Optional: you may have a volunteer be an “enemy attacker” to try to blow balloons off the plates while the players are turning at the X. The “enemy attacker” should not actually touch the players.

Conclusion: That looked like fun! What part of the challenge was the most difficult?Was it hard to use only one arm to carry the load?