Leader Guide


  • Bible or the Superbook Bible App

Nehemiah sat down and wept for the people of Jerusalem when he heard the news about Jerusalem. What did he do next? He prayed.

Yes, He prayed! What might have happened if Nehemiah had tried to rush off and fix things by himself? He most likely would have failed and possibly been hurt on his way to Jerusalem. He needed God to give him favor with the king to get safe passage to Jerusalem. The king also arranged to send lumber and supplies.

Nehemiah’s prayers prepared him and others for the work God called him to do. Have you ever prayed and waited on God to give you guidance and help? Can you share the experience with us?

When we wait on God, He will give us what we need: a plan, supplies, and even the words to speak. God prepares us for the challenge!

In our prayer time, let’s bow our heads and silently pray about the things I will mention. Begin the prayer, then allow a few moments for children to pray silently after each item.

  • Ask the Lord to prepare you for the challenges of today and the week ahead.
  • Ask Him to reveal truth as you read His Word to prepare you for what is ahead.
  • Ask God to prepare the hearts of others so you can share Jesus with them.
  • Ask Him to give you success in the work you do for Him.

Allow children time to pray and then close in prayer: Dear God, Nehemiah prepared himself for the challenges he faced by seeking you in prayer. He waited on You to work in the hearts of others and to reveal Your plan to him. Please help us remember to pray and read Your Word each day to prepare us for the challenges and opportunities we will face. Give us favor and success as we do Your work! In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen.