Leader Guide


Make one copy of the SuperVerse Key Words Pattern, then cut apart the four cards.

Write the SuperVerse on the board. Nehemiah 8:10:

“The joy of the Lord is your strength!”

After the wall was rebuilt, all of the people assembled together and listened carefully as Ezra, the priest, read the Book of the Law aloud. The people bowed down and worshiped the Lord and dedicated their lives to serving Him. The Levites also read the Law and clearly explained the meaning so everyone could understand. The people wept because hearing God’s Law made them aware of their disobedience and sin. That’s when Nehemiah told the people, “Don’t be dejected or sad, for the joy of the Lord is your strength!” (See Nehemiah 8:1–10.)

When we confess our sins and trust Jesus as our Savior, God forgives us and gives us new life in Him. The Holy Spirit fills us with joy, for we know we are God’s children, and He is always with us. And that’s why we are so happy, today!

Now let’s say our SuperVerse several ways. Each time, I will hold up a card with a different word from the verse. We will say the whole verse together, except we will shout that one word. Ready?

Hold up one card so the children can see the word, then say the verse together and shout that word.

After saying the verse each time, discuss the significance of the word that was shouted:

1. JOY: How do you feel when you have joy? Happy, good, excited, hopeful, courageous, strong.

2. LORD: How is the Lord’s joy different from the world’s joy? Jesus loves us so much that He died for us. He will always be with us, no matter what. Joy in the world comes and goes, but no one can take away the joy of our salvation and knowing that God loves us.

3. YOUR: Is this joy just for other people? No, it’s for me and for everyone!

4. STRENGTH: When you feel sad and depressed, do you have much strength? No. Why do we get stronger when we have joy? We have hope when our spirits are lifted. Even if we’ve failed at something before, joy gives us the courage to try again.

Now let’s say the SuperVerse one last time and make it our own! Instead of saying “your,” let’s say “my.” Ready? “The joy of the Lord is my strength!”