Leader Guide

Object Lesson

  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App
  • One round, medium-size balloon, plus an extra in case of breakage
  • Permanent marker

Blow up the balloon, but do not tie it closed.

Use the marker to write “COURAGE” in big letters on the balloon while it is inflated.

Release the air from the balloon.

It is important to wait on God’s timing when doing His work. Early in the Bible story, Mordecai told Esther not to tell anyone that she was Jewish. 

Optional: read Esther 2:10 (nkjv):

Esther had not told anyone of her nationality and family background, because Mordecai had directed her not to do so.

Perhaps Esther did not understand why Mordecai told her this—but she obeyed Him out of respect because he had adopted and raised her when her parents died. Mordecai was a wise man who loved God. He waited on God’s timing.

After the decree was signed to put all Jewish people to death, Mordecai knew it was time for Esther to reveal that she was Jewish. When Esther told him she could not go see the king, what message did Mordecai send Esther?

Read Esther 4:14b:

“Who knows if perhaps you were made queen for just such a time as this?”

Hold up the deflated balloon. Esther did not have enough of her own strength and courage to do what Mordecai had asked. So she asked the Jewish people to fast before God for 3 days.

What does it mean to fast? To give up eating food for a period of time.

Fasting is a way to concentrate on spiritual things—to spend more time and energy on praying and seeking God’s will.

During this 3-day fast, Esther waited upon the Lord. Does that mean she just sat and did nothing? No!

The word wait in Hebrew means to look for something with trust and expectancy.

Read Psalm 27:14 (nkjv):

Wait on the Lord<; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait, I say, on the Lord!

As you say the following, pause between each phrase to blow some air into the balloon.

Esther expected to hear from God. As she waited on Him, she was filled with strength, she was filled with understanding, she was filled with purpose, and she was filled with boldness, until she had the courage to go before the king!

Inflate the balloon and hold it closed with your fingers so children can see the word “Courage” written on it. Then gradually deflate it.

God has a great purpose and a wonderful destiny for each of our lives. We may not know why we are in a particular place at a particular time, or what we could possibly do to make a difference—but when we give our lives to Christ and wait for His leading, He will use us for His glory.

Hold up the deflated balloon. Maybe we feel like this sometimes—not knowing what to do or lacking courage to do the right thing. But when we ask for God’s help and wait on Him, this is what happens!

Blow up the balloon until it is full of air and tie it closed. He fills us with His mighty strength, boldness and courage to do the right thing—“for such a time as this!” Let’s boldly shout our SuperTruth together: “God gives me courage to do the right thing.”