Leader Guide


  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App

Our SuperTruth tells us that God created just a few people for a purpose, right? No!

Oh, that isn’t right? Who did He create for a purpose? Me, everyone.

Right! He created everyone for a purpose. Do you remember the verse we read earlier in our lesson about God’s purpose for us? 

Read Ephesians 2:10:

For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things He planned for us long ago.

That is such an encouraging verse for us! We are His masterpiece—a valuable, priceless work of God! He intentionally and purposefully created us, and planned good things for us to do! Every disciple or follower of Jesus should share the Gospel and follow God’s Word—but He has specific, unique things for each of us to do, as well! 

Let’s take time to pray silently. I want each of you to ask God what He wants you to do in the coming days. Remember, God would never ask you to do something that is sinful or that would hurt someone. God has put each of us in a place where we can show His love and help others. Let’s ask Him to show us how.

Allow a few moments for children to pray silently, then pray: Dear God, thank You so much for creating everyone here today for a purpose. Help us to pray each day to discover that purpose and to fill us with boldness and courage to do the good things You have designed us to do! Please show us, moment by moment, what You would have us do. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Did anyone sense God speaking quietly to your heart about something He wants you to do? Allow time for children to share briefly.