Leader Guide

Drama Activity

  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App
  • Scene Slips
  • Optional: props children could use in their skits, such as a scepter used earlier in the lesson, crowns made from construction paper, etc.
  • Scissors        

Make a copy of the Scene Slips, and cut the slips apart.

Look up the scriptures on each slip to become familiar with the scenes so you may assist groups as necessary and assign easier ones where appropriate.

Our SuperTruth today says: “God created me for a purpose.” Esther was certainly in the right place at the right time in God’s plan! In this activity, we will act out some important scenes in the story of Esther—without saying any words!  

Divide the class into groups of 3 or 4 children. If possible, have a girl be a member of each group to play Esther. Each group receives at least one Bible and a Scene Slip for them to pantomime. You may choose to assign easier scenes to younger children.

Have them find a place in the room to look up their scripture and develop and practice their scene for a set amount of time. Assist the children as needed. Emphasize that they should keep it simple and use all children in the group to create and or/act out the scene. Remind them that they must not use any words. After the allotted time is over, have the groups act out their scenes in front of the rest of the children to see if they can guess what the scene is about, then discuss these questions:

  • Did a character show bravery or courage?
  • What events led up to the scene?
  • What was the purpose or goal of the main character in the scene?  
  • How did this scene affect the rest of the story?

Conclusion: You did a great job creating and acting out your scenes. Let’s remember to ask God what our purpose may be in all the different situations we find ourselves each day. Is there a higher or greater purpose than we may think? Are we willing to act with courage if God wants to use us to say or do something?

Let’s pray! Dear God, thank You for helping Esther and Mordecai do what they were created to do! We know You will be with us, too! Thank You for sending Your Holy Spirit to live inside us to show us what to do and give us the courage to obey. In Jesus’ name, Amen.