Leader Guide


  • Bibles or the Superbook Bible App
  • Whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Marker or chalk

Optional: Write on the board in large letters: “God Most High, we cry out to You for _____.”

Our SuperTruth says: “God will help me fulfill His purpose.” Esther needed God’s help to fulfill the task He gave her to do—and He will help us fulfill our purpose, too. All we need to do is ask Him! As we just learned in our SuperVerse, God is above all things, and nothing is beyond His power and understanding.

Option 1: Have children form a circle around you.

Close your eyes and think of something you need God to help you with. It can be small, or it can be a problem that seems huge and difficult—something that only God can do. Allow children time to think.

Take some time right now to pray silently and ask God for His help with your problem. Allow children time to pray.

Prayer isn’t just talking; it’s also listening! So let’s ask God to speak to our hearts and give us His wisdom, boldness, direction—whatever we need.

Lead the children in prayer. Dear God, You have heard the children’s words and even their very thoughts today! God Most High, we cry out to You for each child here today. If your class is small, you may wish to name each child in prayer. Thank You for giving them Your wisdom, patience, boldness, and everything they need to fulfill the wonderful purposes You have for them. In Jesus’ name we pray, Amen. 

Option 2: Form groups of 2–3 children.

Take a minute to share with your partner/s something that you would like God to help you with. There’s no need to share anything too personal or embarrassing; just a short sentence, such as, “I need God’s help to be kind,” or “I need God’s help in school.” Allow a minute for children to share. 

Now let’s pray for each other. Start your prayer by saying what is written on the board: “God Most High, we cry out to You today for _____,” and fill in the name of the person you’re praying for. Then ask God in just a sentence or two to help your partner with his or her prayer request.

Allow time for children to pray, then close with the prayer above.