Leader Guide

Action Game

  • Whiteboard or chalkboard
  • Marker or chalk, eraser
  • Paper plates—one per child
  • Cotton balls—one per pair or per child

Write the SuperTruth on the board.

Let’s say our SuperTruth together. “God will help me fulfill His purpose.”

Today, I have a challenge for you to fulfill. We are going to shout the SuperTruth in teams while flipping a cotton ball back and forth. This game may be harder than it looks, and we have some additional challenges for any team that thinks they are up for it!   

For this game, you each need to find someone you don’t know very well to be your partner.

Optional: instead of children finding their own partners, you may divide the class into pairs, matching children in the same grade as much as possible. If there is an uneven number of players, have three players on one team, and tell them to stand in a triangle. See other variations below.

Give a cotton ball to each pair, and a paper plate to each player. Have the children face their partners, about 6 feet apart. All pairs play simultaneously. One player puts the cotton ball on the plate and flips it to the other player while shouting the first word of the SuperTruth. The second player catches the cotton ball with the plate and quickly flips it back to the first player, shouting the second word of the SuperTruth. Each pair continues until the entire SuperTruth is said. If the cotton ball touches the ground, the pair must start saying the SuperTruth again. Play as many rounds as time permits, increasing the challenge with variations below.


  • Increase the distance between the players.
  • For pairs—especially older children—who have successfully fulfilled the challenge, give them a second cotton ball. Play the game as before, but both players simultaneously flip their cotton balls to the other child as they say each word of the SuperVerse. Both cotton balls must be caught each time, or the pair must start over.
  • Each player must hold the plate with one hand instead of two—much more difficult.

Conclusion: That was fun! Was it harder to flip or to catch the cotton ball? 

How did you like the additional challenges?

God helped Esther and Mordecai fulfill their purpose in God’s plan. He doesn’t expect us to fulfill His purposes alone—in fact we can’t do it in our own strength and ability. God will give us all the help we need to do His work!